Chapter Ten

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Ben’s POV

I climb back down to the basement window. I start to pop the screen back to it’s place when I hear a loud cough behind me. I gulp loudy and turn around. Emmett, Nat and River stand in a row looking at me with daggers. Stella sits behind them with bruises all around her. They hurt her.

“Well, look who finally decided to show up,” Nat barks at me. Without any hesitation, River lunges for me.

I try to get out of his way, but he pins me against the wall. My legs dangle four feet from the air. My breathing becomes hard and ragged from the pin. My back starts to hurt. I can see everything now. They’re going to kill me. River is going to kill me.

“Don’t hurt Ben!” Stella screams trying to pry River away from my body.

She gets knocked unconscious from a blow to the head. Emmett stands over her body and smirks. He holds a hammer in his hand. That bastard! He takes off his fake hearing aids and throws them aside. If only Harry was here right now. He would see how fake Emmett really is and save me.

Nat comes forward with a pocket knife in hand. My eyes widen at the knife in sight. He smirks and waves it around. He pricks it against his finger, making it little dot of blood come out right away.

“You know Ben. You got some balls to do what you did. Trying to protect the little ginger bastard and his mute brother; I bet they won’t remember you. They’ll just remember you as the little ass who watched them get hurt.” Nat challenges.

I hang my head down knowing he’s right. All I did was save them this one time when I could have the first time I came here, or should I say, the first time I was held captive here. River slaps me. He must be pissed that I took away his punching bags. At least I saved those kids from being beaten anymore than they had to.

Sharp pains start to go up and down my arms. He’s cutting them up. He writes words that I don’t even want to look at. I let him do what he wants to me. I can’t fight back, I’ll for sure die right on the spot if I do. I let out tears thinking about all the times I did spend with Harry and the others. Four years I did, four amazing years.

Blood starts to drip down my arms and stain the carpet. Not that anyone would know, they’ll leave me for dead here. I get thrown against another wall in the closet sized room. Kicks throw themselves all around me. Many to my head and spine that if I do manage to stay alive, I’ll never be the same. Loud cracks throughout my body tells me I’ve broken the bone.

At once, they stop, but I feel dizzy. My eye sights starts to blur, however I fight myself to stay awake. Nat’s ugly face looks at me. The knife goes down to my forehead. I scream in pain. He writes words on my face and body.

The knife stabs into my chest many times. Emmett takes the hammer and beats it against my thin skin. My breathing then starts to stop. My life flashes in my eyes. Going to the home. Meeting the headmaster. Being beaten for the first time. Seeing how Larry is practically dying. The guys taking him away from the torture. Nat taking me away and brainwashing me into thinking the guys are evil. The pain overpowers my mind and stops the flashes of my short life. The hammer comes into view of my face. See you soon Mummy.


Harry’s POV

I haven’t seen Emmett in weeks. I feel so lost. I’m torn between Louis and Emmett. I know I should just stay with Emmett for the greater good, but Louis has always been in my heart. God, I feel like in one of those cliche love triangle movies. I roll my eyes remembering the last time I saw movie like that was a long time ago.

I walk to kitchen where Brent and Trent sit on the table eating a sandwich. Ben brought them over to Liam’s house with a note. He probably didn’t know that Liam, Dani, little Niall and Jay are off to Dani’s parents’ house for the next month. Jay is probably dying without Larry to be there to help her with her hormonal self.

Brent and Trent having said much since they were left here. I must say though, they look so much like Jay. Sure there are a few similarities that don’t fit, but all in all, they look like Jay. I squint my eyes at Trent who seems to be having a hard time eating, even if it is just a sandwich.

Before I ask anything, someone rings the doorbell. I walk slowly to the door and look through the peephole. Two officers stand outside looking official. I question in my mind why they’re here. I don’t think Larry has done anything illegal nor have I. I open the door.

“Hello. Are you Harold Styles?” the woman officer asks looking at a piece of paper.

“Yes, what is this about?” I ask in confusion.

“We are going to need you to come to the police station with us. We have some questions to ask of you,” the other officer says.

I nod and grab my jacket and two of Larry’s old jackets for Brent and Trent. I ask them to wait for a few minutes to get Brent and Trent. Both look very tired so I carry them to the car. I follow the police to that station.

I’m still confused as to why they are asking me to come with them. I park the car in the parking lot of the station and take out the two sleeping boys. I didn’t really notice they were sleeping until now. I walk inside and the receptionist says she’ll take care of the boys while I go in for questioning. I walk into a dark room with a metal table in the middle with chairs around it.

I sit down across from the officers. They look at me sympathetically. Why that way? I won’t know until they start talking. The woman officer by the name of Mrs. Rose looks through a record. She looks very concerned. She puts down the record and stares at me.

“Mr. Styles. It says here you adopted a boy named Benjamin Thornton a few years ago,” she starts. I nod for her to continue as that is correct, “When was the last time you saw or spoke to Benjamin.”

Is this about Ben? I must be if she’s questioning me about him. I clear my throat to answer. “I last saw Ben a few months ago when he left for college in the states. I last spoke to him a month ago when he said he was going to be a bit busy for awhile so he won’t have contact with me for a bit. I didn’t think much of it since College is a big deal for him and I wanted him to do well. May I ask what this is all about?”

Both officers sigh, but the other officer continues this time, “A few weeks ago we received calls from neighbors in a remote area saying they heard screams coming from a house. When we went inside the home, nobody was there. The only thing we found was in the basement. Two bodies. One body belongs to Stella Thompson and the other to Benjamin Thornton.”

She puts down two pictures. One of Stella, the other of Ben. My eyes can’t contain the tears. I spill out crying. Ben is dead, and so is Stella. The writing on Ben’s face just makes me feel like I’m going to throw up my dinner.

Watch your back Styles.

Forgetting The Past As THEIR son (Book 3) | Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now