Chapter Three

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Larry’s POV

After having a day with Evan, he hasn’t said much. He’s kept to himself. I’m not sure why, he was so energetic when we were at the park. I know something happened there, he just won’t tell us, but I have to respect his decision. I once was 7 years old and very timid myself. I chuckle at my thought. We found Evan when he’s almost 7 years old and I was 7 when my parents found me. It’s like it’s fate.

All in all, Evan is doing fine with Sean and Tyler. He seems to be enjoying the attention they give him. I can’t wait for my dad Harry and Niall and Nichole to meet him. Along with their kids of course. I haven’t seen Jamie, Beau, Krystal or Chantelle in a long time.

I pull on a pair of sweatpants that were occupying the space on my bed. My room is plain blue with my awards on my shelves. I’ve become more athletic over the years. I’ve mastered Lacrosse and Basketball. Even though my fathers played football, it really wasn’t my thing to play.

I trail off the memories of injuries I received in games. The doctors wanted me to be careful since I had my Leukemia, but I didn’t want to be careful, I wanted to be reckless. Like the brand from the states, Young & Reckless. I want to live my life to the fullest even if it means getting hurt a bit.

“Larry?” Louis’  voice comes from the other side of the door. I snap out of my trance and open the door for him. He looks in pain, but I’m not sure why. He looks away from me. Oh, I have Eleanor’s necklace on. She gave me it while in the hospital along with the letter.

“What’s wrong Dad?” I ask a bit confused why he’s up here. It’s Wednesday, he should be out with Ellie for Father Daughter day.

“Um, Ha-Harry wants you to go visit him next door. Um he wants you to meet someone. Ellie’s over there. Be back before midnight,” He says not looking me in the eyes. I’m still a bit confused why he’s like this. I shrug it off and walk over to my closet.

I throw on Harry’s old purple Jack Will’s sweater. I put on purple high tops and grab my phone before I walk out. I look in the mirror. My eyes are a peculiar green today. Usually my eyes would be a grey blue color or a bright blue, never green. I shrug and walk out to Harry’s place.

I’m glad we all live in the same neighborhood. I know Niall wanted to move back to Ireland, but knew he was gonna miss us. Miss. Missing. Stella is still missing. I really miss her. Everyone thinks she got lost or something, I believe she has been kidnapped. I know that if I say that out loud, everyone will think I’m crazy or something.

I slam my head against the door not knowing I was already there. I stumble backwards falling on my bum. I hear footsteps towards the door. I hold on to my head. I don’t feel any blood coming down...yet. I’m not fully cured. I can still have my thin skin that can cause me to bleed easily.

“Larry? You okay?” My father’s voice speaks slowly. He still has that slow voice. I’m hoping as much as Louis that I don’t get his voice. I at least want my voice to speak faster. I look up slightly. A man with dark, dark brown hair and hazel eyes is staring at me.

I  only nod to my father not taking my eyes off the man. He has Ellie in his arms. Ellie loves to be carried, so I’m not surprised he’s carrying her. Harry helps me up. Well, I don’t have blood coming out yet, which I suppose is a good sign. I walk in with that man trailing behind us. He seems to be completely oblivious to the fact I just hurt my head.

“Larry are you okay?” Ellie asks sliding into my lap. I nod, not trusting my voice. My head hurts like a little biscuit. Usually when I get hurt now, I'll whimper and my voice will crack.

Harry comes back with an ice pack. I put it against my head still staring at the mysterious man. His hair falls over his ears perfectly, with a small scar at the end of his ear lobe. I’ve become very observant.

Forgetting The Past As THEIR son (Book 3) | Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now