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Louis has already learned all his lines before his first audition, eager to get the part.

On Monday his face is all over the Internet, next to Harry as the papers write about their roles in the remake, Harry being the main interest of course. He makes sure to be in time for their first read-through of the script. They sit down around a big conference table.
"Hi everybody, I'm Liam Payne, the director of this movie. Let's go around the table for introductions. Just say your name and your role in making this movie. Okay? Harry, you can start."

Harry smiles, almost looking shy.
"Uhm, hi, I'm Harry Styles and I play Victor."

Zayn is next. Louis looks at everyone with big eyes as they introduce themselves. James Corden plays the role of Edwards' sleazy lawyer and the Hotel manager is a woman in this movie, played by someone named Danielle Campbell. He hasn't seen her in anything before. Before he knows it, it's his turn.
"I'm Louis Tomlinson and I play Edward." He says with a nervous smile.

When they're done Liam speaks up again.
"Okay, let's go through the script page by page. Please come with suggestions. Oh and Louis, we have already changed the dialogue in the car. You were totally right. We don't want Edward to come off as rude and disrespectful."

Harry looks at him with interest. He seems a bit surprised. Louis can't keep a proud smile away.

They read the whole script out loud. Louis is having the time of his life. They pause for lunch. A catering company has set up a bufé. Louis gets in line and he's standing behind the director Liam.
"Mr. Payne? I just want to say thank you for casting me in this movie."

Liam turns around with a smile.
"Call me Liam and you were the best. We're gonna make a great movie."

Louis beams from the praising. He fills his plate when it's his turn and sits down to eat while he chats with the people around him.

After lunch, the costume designer wants to see him and they go through his outfits for the movie. She's good. The clothes match his own perception of the character. There are a lot of discrete but nicely cut suits. He wonders what Harry's clothes look like? How are male prostitutes dressed these days?

They wrap it up at six and he goes home to eat his dinner in front of the tv. He hadn't talked to Harry at all during the day. He didn't seem interested at all in getting to know him.

On Tuesday morning he arrives at the same time as Harry and they ride the elevator together. Harry just mumbles a "hi" to him without looking in his direction. Louis won't have that.
"Harry? Can we start over? I'm sorry about my plump comment in that coffee shop."

Harry sighs and glances at him.
"Yeah okay, it's just...a rumor like that can damage my career. You know how this business works. Everyone loves gay people until someone comes out."

"I know. I'm sorry, okay? It won't happen again." Louis promises.

"Thanks." Harry answers with a smile.

Louis can't help but wonder. If Harry is so afraid to get a reputation, why would he choose to play a gay man three movies in a row? Something isn't adding up. 

The elevator arrives on the seventh floor and they step out. They're the last ones to enter the conference room.
"There they are! Everyone, take a seat. Let's begin. We're gonna go through the schedule for the movie, in which order we're shooting the scenes. You have a folder in front of you." Liam says before he takes a seat.

They're starting with the first scene, the party. Louis feels nervous butterflies in his stomach but he's glad that they're not starting with a sex scene between him and Harry. That would have been scary as hell. Better to ease into it. He has never done sex scenes before. Some kissing for sure, with female actresses. This is too close to home, sort of speak. He wonders how much of himself he has to reveal? Maybe that should have been something he should have discussed before he agreed to play the part. Oh well.

"Louis? Are you with us?" Liam asks and Louis flinches. He has totally zoned out.

"Sorry, can you repeat that?" He says, embarrassed.

"After the party, we're doing Harry's scenes in his and Zayn's apartment, which means the last scene in the movie as well, when Edward climbs the fire escape." Liam repeats.

"Oh, okay." Louis replies. Talk about pressure. Last grand gesture right away.

"Don't worry. You'll get to practice it first." Liam says with a wink before he continues to go through the schedule for the movie.

Louis forces himself to listen. His thoughts are still in the practicing part. Practicing kissing.

After another great catering lunch, they start to run lines, setting up scenarios. Louis acts out his scenes with James first while Harry and Zayn do their parts together. Before he knows it he and Harry are in the same room.
"Do the breakfast scene. I want to see the two of you interact." Liam instructs.

Louis sits down at a table and pretends the read the paper. This feels like a middle school production but Liam is the director and gets to do things his way. Harry walks over.

Louis looks up and smiles.
"Well, Good morning."

Harry points at his hair.

Louis' smile grows bigger.

Harry looks hesitantly at him.
"Y...you didn't wake me. I can see you're really busy. I'm gonna be out of here in just a minute."

"No, there's no hurry. Are you hungry? You must be. Come and eat something. I don't know what you like so I ordered everything on the menu." Louis says with a friendly tone to his voice.

Harry sits down and reaches for the imaginary pancakes.
"Thanks." He says shyly.

"Did you sleep well?" Louis asks softly.

"Yeah, too good." Harry answers while remaining eye contact.

"Occupational hazard?" Louis asks with an eyebrow raised.

Harry giggles.
"Yeah. Did you sleep?"

"Uh, yes, a little, on the couch." Louis replies.

"We can stop there. Great guys! Now I know what Violet was referring to when she said that you two have killer chemistry." Liam says with a grin, referring to the casting director.

Louis looks at him in surprise. They had just run their lines at a table. What is he talking about?

They wrap it up and Louis goes home.

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