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Louis spends the whole weekend at Harry's place and they arrive on set together on Monday, hoping that no one will notice that they're showing up in the same car. Zayn arrives at the same time and he grins knowingly when he sees them but he doesn't say anything.

They shoot their scenes in the hotel room in the week that follows and Louis goes home with Harry after work. They eat at Hamdan's restaurant a couple of times. Harry cooks for them in the evenings when they just stay at home.

Louis has an overnight bag with him so he doesn't have to show up at work wearing the same clothes. They watch movies, they talk and they have sex. Louis can't believe that he thought that Harry was a douche at one point in time. Harry is absolutely amazing and he can't get enough of him, in every way possible.

Niall calls on Friday evening to see if he's still alive. Louis feels guilty for neglecting his best friend but he has been so caught up in his new thing with Harry. He apologizes and explains why he has been absent and Niall cheers so loudly that he has to pull the phone away from his ear so he won't go deaf. Harry giggles beside him.
"Louis!" Niall says at the other end and Louis puts the phone to his ear again.


"Wanna go to a game tomorrow and yes, you can bring your lover boy. Zayn is coming too." Niall asks.

"I'll ask." Louis replies and puts the phone on mute before he turns to Harry.
"Niall wants to know if you want to go to a football game tomorrow with me, him, and Zayn?"

"My Zayn?" Harry asks in surprise.

"Yeah, wanna go?" Louis smiles.

"I'd love to!" Harry says excitedly.

Louis unmutes the phone.
"We're in! See you tomorrow, Niall. Just text me the details."

They hang up and Louis nuzzles closer to Harry on the couch and they continue to watch a movie.

They meet up with Niall and Zayn outside the football stadium the next day.
"Long-time, no see." Niall chuckles and hugs Louis.

"I said I'm sorry." Louis replies.

They hurry inside before anyone notices them. Niall got them good seats. As soon as the game starts they're all invested and they have a great time together. They all go back to Niall's place to celebrate the win.

Niall gets them beer and they sit down in the living room.
"I'm writing a new movie script." He says and takes a sip from his bottle.

"Yeah? What's it about?" Louis asks.

"It's about a boyband." Niall grins.

"A boyband?" Harry questions.

"Well, it's a love story really. Five guys in a band and two of them fall in love but their management and label won't let them come out. That's the main story." Niall explains.

"Sounds cool." Louis smiles.

"Thanks. You two would actually be perfect for the parts. I know that you can sing Louis. How about you Harry?" Niall asks.

"Me? I can hold a tune." Harry answers shyly.

"Great. How about you Zayn?" Niall asks.

"I'm no Mariah Carey but sure, I can sing." Zayn chuckles.

"Awesome! Three out of five then." Niall grins.

"Have you never considered acting, Niall? You got some pipes yourself." Louis says.

"Me? I don't know." Niall laughs.

"You should consider it." Louis says.

"First I have to finish the script. I actually thought about contacting your director, Liam Payne about it. I think he would be perfect for what I have in mind. This script is my baby, best one I have written so far. I need it to be done right." Niall says.

"You should totally do that. Liam is great." Harry says.

"He can sing too. Maybe you can convince him to play a part as well?" Zayn suggests.

"Really? Yeah, I'll think about it. We would totally pull off the whole boyband thing, all five of us." Niall grins.

They all laugh at that statement. They continue to hang out and order pizza and play video games. When it's time to call it the night, Louis goes home with Harry. They have mind-blowing sex and fall asleep afterward.

They have a busy schedule in the weeks that follow. Zayn and Harry get to act their scenes together at the hotel and they shoot all limo scenes and their date at the Opera. The movie is coming along and they don't have that much left.

They have been inseparable since that night when Louis went home with Harry. They haven't discussed what they have or how they might feel. Louis is nervous to bring it up. What if he's the only one falling? That would crush him.

They shoot the last scene on a Thursday. It's Harry and Louis in a cricket game. They play their parts well and the laughs they have are real. Harry does a final scene with James Corden.

"Having a nice time, Victor?" James asks.

Harry smiles at him.
"Yeah, I'm having a great time!"

Janes walks up behind Harry and leans in.
"Must be quite the change from Hollywood Boulevard, hmmm?"

Harry's smile falters and he looks worried and uncomfortable.

"Yeah, Edward told me. But don't worry, your secret is safe with me. Listen, maybe, uh, you and I could get together sometime..." James says in a sleazy voice and Harry frowns. James caresses Harry's shoulder with his fingertips and Harry tenses. "After Edward leaves..." James says.

"Yeah, sure. Why not?" Harry answers and blinks away his tears.

"We'll just have to do that, hmm?" James continues and lets his hand travel down Harry's back.

The actress playing James' wife shouts.
"Philip!" James takes his hand away and turns around to look at her. He walks away and Harry looks like he wants to cry.

"And cut! Excellent guys! That's it!" Liam shouts and everybody starts to clap their hands.

"Remember, party at my place tomorrow to celebrate that we're done shooting! You can all bring a plus one." Liam announces.

Harry walks up to Louis.
"Hi, Lou. So ehm, who are you bringing?" He asks quietly.

Louis wants to bring Harry but he knows that's not an option. Not if they want to keep the rumors away.
"Niall. He's been nagging me about it. He wants to meet Liam to pitch him his script."

Harry looks relieved.
"I'm just gonna go by myself. I don't want to bring, ehm, a girl."

"I don't want you to bring a girl either. I wish we could just go together." Louis sighs.

Harry looks really happy.
"Yeah, me too. But we can see each other after, right?"

"Of course!" Louis smiles.

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