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Louis loves being on the set. Whenever he's not filming a scene himself he watches the others. Harry does the same thing and when they're both on the sideline Harry actually talks to him. Whenever Louis cracks a silly joke Harry laughs so much that he almost falls over.

They shot the opening scene with the party and now Louis watches as Harry wakes up in his sunky flat and gets dressed. Louis stares at him as he puts on a white, see-through dress, showing off his belly and beautifully shaped legs. Louis can't believe he's getting turned on and twists uncomfortably in his seat.

They stop filming to eat lunch. Harry sits down next to him and Louis smiles at him. He's just about to start a conversation when Liam flops down opposite them.
"So we're doing the fire escape scene after this. Are you guys ready?"

"Sure." Harry smiles.

"Yeah." Louis agrees. He's so not ready.

"We'll do a practice round first, you know, so it won't be an awkward first kiss and all, and then we'll see how many takes we'll have to do." Liam babbles.

I'm gonna kiss Harry. Oh my fucking God! I'm gonna kiss, Harry! Louis' mind is frantic.

After lunch, Harry takes Louis to the side.
"Are you nervous? Kissing a man isn't that different from kissing a woman. A kiss is a kiss."

"I have no problem with kissing a guy." Louis chuckles, which earns him a pensive stare from Harry. Did he say too much?

"So just nervous kissing me then?" Harry smirks.

"Well...yeah." Louis admits.

"I'm nervous about kissing you too." Harry answers.

"Really?" Louis says in surprise.

"Yeah, so maybe we should do a practice round?" Harry suggests.

"Like, now? Here? We just ate! I probably have a bad breath!" Louis panics.

Harry shrugs his shoulders and reaches into his pocket and pulls out a pack of gums. He offers one to Louis before he takes one himself.
"Let's go to the toilets."

Louis stares at him in shock. Harry puts the gum in his mouth and starts to chew. He winks and turns around, heading in the direction of the toilets.

Louis stands frozen in place for a second. Then he puts the gum in his mouth and starts to chew frantically and goes after him. Harry is nowhere to be seen when he arrives and he feel stupid. Harry was just messing with him and he bought it. He's just about to turn around when one of the doors opens and Harry grabs his sweatshirt and pulls him inside. He closes the door behind them.
"Hi." Louis says.

"Oops." Harry smiles before he spits out his gum in the trashcan. Louis does the same.

They just stand there staring at each other in silence for a moment before Harry speaks up.
"Are you gonna kiss me or what?"

Louis rolls his eyes at him before he grabs his hips and spins Harry around so he can press him against the wall. Harry lets out a surprised gasp that Louis silence when he presses his lips against Harry's.

Harry sneaks his arms around Louis' neck and kisses him back. They start slow, just tasting each other's lips for a moment, and then Louis licks Harry's lower lip, asking for access which Harry immediately grants. They open up to the kiss and they both gasp when their tongues touch for the first time. Louis presses a knee between Harry's legs and grabs his hip tighter, while he buries his other hand in Harry's hair.

Harry whimpers and ruts his hips. Their breaths are uneven. Louis has totally forgotten why they are doing this in the first place. Kissing Harry is intoxicating. His brain is screaming at him to take a step back so he finally pulls it together and breaks the kiss.

Harry opens his eyes slowly and stares right back at him, looking as taken back as he feels at the moment. Harry clears his voice.
"Uhm, yeah, I don't think we have to worry about that part."

Louis starts to giggle which ends up in a full-blown laugh. Harry smiles and starts to laugh as well. There is a newfound collusion and understanding between them, both knowing that the other one wouldn't have reacted like that to the kiss if they had been straight.  

They don't talk about it, of course, they don't, but they are both smiling as they get out from the toilet.
"There you are!" Zayn says and they both turn their heads to look at him. He seems amused.
"You're up! Louis, get on the fire escape."

They had already filmed Harry looking out the window and they were gonna shoot the limo scene tomorrow, along with every other scene they have in the limo, together or by themselves. Making a movie was a bit confusing.

They head to costume and makeup to get ready and then Louis takes his position underneath the fire escape. Harry is hanging out a window looking at him. Louis takes a deep breath, running his lines through his head one last time.
"Action!" Liam yells.

Louis looks up at Harry and smiles.
"Had to be the top floor, right?" He shouts.

Harry laughs.
"It's the best!"

Liam is overseeing multiple cameras.

"Alright, I'm coming up!" Louis yells and grabs the ladder.

"Cut! One more time, different angle." Liam shouts.

They repeat it once more as soon as Liam yells "action!" 

Then they shoot the next part where Louis climbs the fire escape with a bouquet of flowers in his mouth. He does his best to look scared. Next, is Harry climbing out on the fire escape. They get close, faces inches apart. They have a camera shoved in their faces as well but ignore it. Louis tries his best to look in love. Liam yells "action."

Louis reaches out a hand to caress Harry's hair, brushing it behind his ear. It's not in the script but it feels like the right thing to do. Harry stares at him with lovestruck eyes.
"So what happened after he climbed up the tower and rescued him?" Louis asks softly.

Harry smiles.
"He rescues him right back."

They lean in slowly and share a passionate kiss. Harry wraps his arms around Louis' neck and pulls him closer. Louis grabs his hip with one hand and buries the other in Harry's curls.
"Cut! Great guys. One more time!" Liam yells.

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