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In the days that follow they're doing one scene after another. Harry shoots his scenes at a club with Zayn and then they do the street walk scenes as well. When they bring in a fabulous sportscar for Louis to drive he's in heaven. He has a thing for fast cars. They shoot the scene with him and Harry in the car and it's great.

Louis falls asleep early every night, exhausted from their hectic days but he's having the time of his life.

They have moved the set to a luxury hotel. Louis gets to act along with Danielle now but they don't have that many scenes together so mostly he watches Harry and Danielle do their scenes. When they are done shooting all the scenes that take place in the lobby they move up to the penthouse. It's time for him and Harry to play out their love story. He's a bit nervous but it's so much fun.

They film the first evening together and they start with the scenes where they first arrive at the penthouse. Harry is dressed in his hooker outfit.
He shouldn't look as hot as he does.

They shoot the scenes with a couple of retakes before Liam is satisfied and they wrap it up for the day.
"Great job guys! We're shooting a sex scene first thing tomorrow. Any questions?" He asks.

"Yeah, how...ehm, thoroughly will it be? Like..." Louis asks and blushes.

"I promise it will be tasteful and I'm gonna guide you through it every step of the way," Liam says and smiles.

"Oh, good," Louis answers, not feeling less nervous at all.

Harry waits for him as he leaves.
"Do you have plans right now? Maybe we could get a bite to eat, I mean if you want to?"

Louis smiles excitedly.
"I'd love to. Where?"

"Do you like Lebanese food? I know a great place not far from here." Harry suggests.

"Never tried it, yeah, sure." Louis immediately answers, almost tripping over his words.

"Great, so did you drive here? I caught a ride with Zayn." Harry says, shooting off one of his dimpled smiles.

"Yeah, I drove here." Louis answers.

"Great! We'll take your car then. Come on!" Harry smiles and starts to walk toward the elevator and Louis hurries to keep up.

Louis tries to find something to say on their way down.
"So why did you agree to do this movie, Harry?"

"Are you kidding me? I love rom-com and Pretty Woman is such a classic, but there are so few good romantic gay movies out there. I couldn't pass on the opportunity." Harry grins.

"Yeah, same." Louis smiles.

They reach the parking lot and Louis guides them to his car. He unlocks it and they take a seat. He backs out and heads for the main road.
"Left or right?"

"Left." Harry instructs.

They drive for fifteen minutes while Harry guides the way and then stop in front of a restaurant. When they walk inside a short and bald middle-aged man comes up to them.

"Hi, Hamdan." Harry greets and hugs the man.

Hamdan looks over at Louis.
"You brought a date, I see. Wonderful." He says with a heavy accent.

"Co-worker. This is Louis." Harry says and blushes slightly.

Hamdan taps his finger at the side of his nose a couple of times and winks.
"Co-worker, sure."

"He really... never mind, can we get a table, please?" Harry asks politely.

Louis realizes that he's staring at them with his mouth hung open and closes it quickly. If he had any doubts regarding Harry's sexuality, they're now long gone. His stomach flutters in excitement.

Hamdan shows them to their seats.
"Gentlemen, my best table. Sit, sit, I'll bring food."

They take a seat and Louis watches him run towards the kitchen. He turns his gaze to Harry.
"No menus, huh?" He asks and chuckles amused.

"Hamdan likes to surprise me but I promise that everything he makes tastes amazing." Harry smiles.

"I'm intrigued. So, you eat here a lot?" Louis asks.

"Yeah. I stumbled upon this place a couple of years ago. It's mostly Hamdan's family, friends, or people in the area who eat here and they don't care that I'm famous or who I'm dining with. It's a nice change." Harry says.

Louis smiles and nods his head. Hamdan appears from the kitchen, carrying a tray containing different bawls of food. He puts them down on the table and hurries back to the kitchen. Louis is curious and looks at the food.
"So, what is all this?"

"Different farrago's. That's hummus, and I think that's baba ghanouj, eggplant. The rest I don't know." Harry points and grins.

Hamdan returns with another tray of food. He puts it down as well before he speaks up.
"Tandoor bread, Nabulsi cheese, Okra,
Kibbeh raas, Shish bark, and dolmas."

"It smells wonderful. Thank you so much, Hamdan." Harry smiles.

"It looks delicious." Louis hurries to chip in.

"Eat! Drinks?" Hamdan asks, looking proud from their praising.

"Water will do just fine. Louis?" Harry asks and Louis nods his head.

Hamdan brings them water before he bow and return to the kitchen. They dig in on the food and Louis grunts appreciatively.
"This is awesome!"

Harry looks happy and they eat in silence for a while before Harry speaks up.
"So, why are you doing a gay rom-com? It's not your usual genre."

"My usual...how do you know that?" Louis asks dumbfounded.

Harry shrugs his shoulders.
"I've seen your movies."

Louis stares at him in disbelief.
"What? Why?"

Harry blushes.
"They're good movies Louis and you're a great actor. I absolutely loved One Day at a Time. You were great in it. You really managed to portray Julian's struggle to get clean in a convincing way."

Louis is at a loss for words at first. His heart may burst from how happy and proud Harry's words just made him.
"Thanks!" He beams, absolutely radiating.

"So, why this movie?" Harry asks again.

"For the same reasons as you." Louis answers.

They spend the rest of the dinner getting to know each other and the conversation is flooding easily. Louis drives Harry home afterward. He had so much fun that he hasn't spent a second of it worrying about tomorrow's sex scene.

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