Caleb: 'how much further is it?'
Jade: 'we've been walking for hours'
Bradley: 'Hey should we really keep going if we're not sure where we're headed?'
Elliot: 'you got a better idea?'

We stop walking. Bradley stay's silent. If we were walking on that road, we've already been home. I sigh.

Eliot: 'this is the right way. I know I'm right. Come on.'

We walk further. He is acting so weird. In a creepy way. Later we came by a huge lake. A huge frozen lake covered in snow. Elliot steps on it.

Elliot: 'come on. And keep an eye out for the cabin. We should be getting close.'
Jade: 'you said that half an hour ago'

The wind increases when you are in the middle of the lake

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The wind increases when you are in the middle of the lake. Elliot leads the way, behind him is Caleb and I walk next to Bradley. We still don't see anything. The wind blows through my hair. Elliot stops and looks around. Still nothing.

Elliot: 'I know it's here somewhere. Come on.'

We walk to a other side of the lat but then i head a noise coming from the forest.

Jade: 'hey, wait, wait a minute'

I turn my head to the forest.

Elliot: 'what?'
Bradly: 'shut up, I head it too'

Bradley walks a little to the forest. We head a sort of car or something like that.

Caleb: 'what?'
Jade: 'can you not hear that?'
Caleb: 'well, what was it?'
Bradley: 'shouldn't we go and check it out?'
Elliot sighs: 'It's gone, come on.'
Bradley: 'We should go and fint them, tho'
Elliot: 'come on.'

Bradley an I look at each other with a disappointed face.  I walk further. Bradley looks at the forest.

Jade: 'Bradley come.'
Bradley: 'yeah, coming.'

He turns to me. And we walk further. It's getting colder and colder. The wind blows and blows, that make's it even more colder.

Caleb: 'Why is it so cold!'
Elliot: 'I know, try not to think about it.'

A minute later!

Elliot: 'look'

I look and I see the cabin right for my eyes. We all smile.

Celeb: 'finely, yes!'
Elliot: 'Told ya!'

I frown my eyebrows. But then I didn't see Bradley next to me. I turn around and see him looking the other way. I stop to wait for him.

Jade: Bradley, we're gonna find help soon okay.

Bradley sighs and turns to me. He walks towards me. But then he steps into soft ice. I can see him all looking down.

Jade: 'everything alright?'
Bradley: "uh Jade-"

I froze and can't believe my eyes. I see Bradley fall through the ice.


While Elliot and Caleb hear the ice cracking and my terrified voice, they turn around. I doesn't see him, but after a few seconds I see Bradley pop out the water. I run to the hole but Elliot stops me. Elliot runs to Bradley who is trying to get out of the hole. But he struggled, I can see he's almost drowning.

Bradley: 'help! Aah!'
Elliot: 'get of the ice now. Go to the cabin! '

He said before helping Bradley out of the ice water. He himself falls into it too. Then my hand is pulled by Caleb to the cabin direction. I'll run over there with Caleb as soon as possible.

Caleb bangs on the door: "Hello! Hello!'

No one answers, but the door is open. I burst through the door and I'm panting.

Jade: 'w-we need to make a fire Caleb.
Caleb: 'I take care of the fire. Are you looking for blankets or something like that? '
Jade: 'Yeah.' I said in a panic

I run to a room and see 3 beds. I get out of a closet a few blankets and then run back to the living room. I see Caleb is busy lighting the fire in the stove. Then I see Bradley in the doorway. He can hardly walk because he is too weak. I run to him and Bradley falls in my arms. I lower him to the ground by the stove. I sit next to him and I take off my coat because it makes it easier to move. I'm still warm from running to this wooden cabin. Brad is breathing hard.

Jade: 'It's okay, It's okay.'

I said to him to calm him down but it doesn't work. He's coughing. I take off his thick wet coat followed by his vest.

Bradley: 'aah' he struggled with breathing

Elliot helps Caleb with the fire and also takes off his coat. I help Bradely with his vest and t-shirt. He's freezing and shaking. He coughs more. I take the blanket I packed and put it over Bradley. He is still breathing fast and looks at me when I put the warm blanket over him. I rub his arms with my hand so that he hopefully warm up a little.

Jade: It's going to be fine Bradley. Breathe in and out. '

He calms down a bit. The fire is getting warm. Then he drops his head into my chest. I give him a hug and rub his back calming him down. His fear in his eyes were terrible to watch.

 His fear in his eyes were terrible to watch

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