Elliot sends us into our bedroom. Me and Bradley are on the bed and Caleb is lying on his bed. Elliot looks at us sternly. A look from his face doesn't make it nice. It scares me. Then he walks out of the room and closes the door. I can hear him move something in the living room. Caleb is sitting up in bed. I get up and walk to the door. I press the lever down but nothing happens. I try again and again but there is no movement.

Jade: "Elliot!"

I punch the door with my fist. Great, we're stuck. Bradley comes to the door and runs and punches the door with his side of his body. No movement. He does it again. Still nothing.

Jade: 'Bradley stop or you're gonna get hurt.'

He stops but gets angry. He kicks against the bed with his foot. A sharp piece of iron comes loose. Bradley calms down. Caleb picks up the piece of iron.

Caleb: Hey, we could smash out the windows.
Bradley is on the bed: 'it's too loud. He'd hear it. '
Caleb walks to the window: 'we could build a bonfire. And maybe a helicopter will find us. '

Caleb looks around desperately. You could tell he was scared. He then lies down on the bed. I sigh. We hear food steps from outside. No idea what he is doing. We walk to the window and we see him walk away.

Jade: 'w-where is he going?'

Everyone keeps quiet. Caleb walks to another window again. A few seconds later, Bradley also steps away from the window. He took a step and we hear movement in a plank. As if it is loose. He steps on it again and we hear it again. It looks like it is hollow down there.

Bradley: 'give he that thing'

Caleb gives him the iron rod. Bradley pushes the bed aside a bit and crouches to the floor trying to loosen the plank with the stick. I help him. It is difficult to move it but we eventually manage to get the plank loose.

Jade: 'yes.'
Bradley: 'there you go'

We pick up the wooden plank and put it next to it. We were right, there is a hole underneath.

Bradley: 'try the other one.'

Caleb helps me move the other plank. But he is too stuck.

Jade: 'oh come on.'
Caleb: "shh, shh"

We can't do it. That fucking plank won't move. Caleb could go through the hole. Bradley and I are way too big for that.

Bradley: 'Caleb? Can you fit? '
Caleb: 'I don't know'
Jade: 'go on'

Caleb first goes into the gap between the wooden planks with his legs.

Bradley: 'do you need a hand?'
Caleb: 'I don't think so'

Caleb eventually fits through. Bradley and I are sitting on the floor next to the opening.

Jade: 'and, can you see anything?'
Bradley: 'Is there a way out?'
Caleb: "I don't know."
Jade: 'here'

I hand him a flashlight. We hear Caleb crawling under the house. Bradley and I look at each other nervously. I hope there is a way out.

Caleb: 'oh, my god! Jay, Jade.'

Jade: 'what?'

We hear him coming back.

Bradley: "Caleb?"

Then we see him again under the hole.

Caleb: 'he's not-'
Bradley: 'shh'
Caleb: 'he's not, he's not moving. I don't know what happened. That other guy, he's. He's dead. '
Jade: 'what?'

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