Chapter Four

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Y'all are gonna hate me for this...

TW: Abuse


Was I really about to kiss my best friend? Did it really matter? We kept leaning in, by now we were the same air. Our lips were about to touch when we heard him. "HEY! GETTING A LITTLE CLOSE THERE BUDDY!" Adian yelled from his window.

"ADIAN! SHUT UP!" Taylor yelled from my window, Edwin and Lilli next to her. They all had their phones out. "YEAH MATE,NOT COOL" Edwin yelled. "REALLY ADIAN? NO ONE STOPPED YOU WHEN YOU WANTED TO KISS YOUR BEST FRIEND." Lilli yelled."THAT'S MY LITTLE SISTER!" Adian yelled back. "GUYS IT'S LIKE TWO IN THE MORNING! STOP YELLING!" Louis yelled. Adian went back in his room and shut his window. Taylor, Edwin and Lilli left too.

I looked at Louis but when we made eye contact, I looked at the floor. "I think we're going to go now." Louis said. "Yeah I know..." I mumbled.

Me and Louis went back inside. He told Edwin it was time to which Edwin protested saying he wanted to stay longer. Louis was not in the mood right and basically dragged Edwin by his ear out the door and into the car.

Louis's POV

Why must someone always ruin the moment? I was about the kiss the most beautiful girl I had ever seen when her brother came in. I don't blame him, I would have done the same if it was one of my sisters. I just wished we had been faster. "Mate, are you alright?" Edwin asked me. "What would you have done if it was you and Taylor in Em's and I position tonight? I asked.

I knew Taylor and Edwin had a thing for each other. Everyone did actually. It was just one of those small things you notice. "I probably would have kissed her after everyone left." He said, his cheeks getting pink. "Did you... kiss her?" He asked, looking away from the road to look at me. "No." I said. I cleared my throat and sat up.

"Enough about me, tell about me how you feel for Taylor." I said. "I know your my best friend too but if you break her heart, I'll break your arm." I chuckled. "Let's just hope she doesn't break mine." Edwin said.

Ember's POV

He raised his hand and brought it down on her face. She fell to the ground. Lilli was crying, Adian was standing still as a tear ran down his cheek. I sat there and let out a scream. He looked at me. A scowl on his face. He made his way to me, he towered over me. I heard Lilli scream as he brought down his hand on me. I jolted awake.

I couldn't remember the last time I had a nightmare of my father.


Sorry, That's all. LOVE YOU 🤍 p.s might be a long time until I can update again.

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