Chapter Ten

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hello my loves. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Make sure to eat and drink water today. Please feel free to leave comments! Reading them make my day. Love you all.

I was still in shock as I went to answer the door to let him in. "love?" Yes, i've always loved Louis but up until a couple months ago those feelings were platonic. I turned the door knob and slowly opened the door. There he was. His hair was still messy and he was a wearing a black sweater and jeans. He smiled warmly as he walked in. "Hello love, you look very beautiful." he said as he kissed my forehead. There it is. That word again. I smiled back. "Good morning, Lou." I heard Dylan clear her throat in the back.

"Morning Ladies." Louis said. "Morning Louis." They all said in unison. " We want her back by 5 pm, okay?" Taylor demanded. "Oh come on girls, that's way too early." Louis said, playing along with their game. "Give me until 10. Please?" He whined. "Not a chance, Pretty boy. 5 pm. Sharp." Valerie threatened.

"Girls, please. Until 7, how about that?" I begged. They all looked at me like they were thinking about it. "Fine, 6:30." Jessie gave in. I laughed and locked my arm with Louis's. "Bye girls" I said as I walked out.

Louis closed the door behind us. We locked eyes and stood there. I tried to hold in my laughter but I couldn't. I burst out with laughter and so did Louis. I was struggling to catch my breath when I finally spoke up. "Let's go, handsome." I said as I grabbed his hand. I lead him to the car and he opened the door for me.

I got in and placed my bag on the floor next to my feet. He closed the door and walked over to his side. He got inside and put the keys in the ignition. He turned on the heat. We backed out of the driveway. He handed me his phone. I put in the password. "Put on some music please, darling." He asked. I opened spotify and played the playlist that we made together. The first song that played is Summertime in Paris By Jaden and Willow Smith. I looked over at him and his lips turned up in a smile.

He grabbed my hand. He stroked the back of it softly. I placed my other hand on top of his. I smiled softly. We sang the lyrics, occasionally looking at each other as if we were saying the lyrics to each other. I was suddenly hit with deja vu as I remembered one day a few months ago. We were in the same car, same seats, and we were singing 505. I beamed at the memory.

The song ended and another started playing. Sweater Weather by The Neighbourhood. I got really excited considering this was one of favorite songs. Valerie introduced me to The Neighbourhood because it was of her favorite bands. I memorized all the lyrics the day she showed me it.

I started dancing to the song and practically screaming the lyrics. "I WANT THE WORLD IN MY HANDS." I sang. Louis looked at me like I was crazy. Then he smiled. I swear I think my heart melted.

15 minutes later...

We were now getting out of the car. I was really nervous but Louis told me it was fine and held my hand. We were about to walk into his trailer when-"LOUIS!" a voice called out, a very familiar voice.

We both turned around and oh my god. Millie Bobby Brown was running over to us.

She stopped in front of Louis and gave him a hug. I just noticed she carried a small gift bag. "I'm so glad it's the last day of filming! I'm so exhausted." Louis let out a laugh. "Really? I wish it could never end." He joked. She smiled and look over at me. She gasped. "Is this her?" She whispered to Louis. He nodded proudly.

"She's even more gorgeous in person." She said. "Hello, Oh my gosh, I'm so glad to meet you." She extended her hand out for me to shake. I smiled and took her hand. "I'm Ember" I introduced myself. "Of Course, Louis never stops talking about you." I looked at him with wide eyes. He had a red tint on his cheeks. "Really?" I teased. "Yes, It's very adorable, actually." She answered. "Alright, we have to go now. Bye Millie!" Louis dragged me into his trailer.

I laughed while he put down our stuff. "Yeah, yeah, laugh all you want." He said, annoyed. "aww Louis, I'm sorry for laughing." I said, I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I'm glad you like to talk about me." I smiled warmly. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Of course, I talk about you." I giggled. "How could I not?" He whispered as he leaned in. His soft lips brushed against mine. oh gosh. I could kiss this man a thousand times and it would always feel like the first time.

gentle, warm, magical...

I copied his movements. He pulled away and started to kiss all over my face. A sound escaped from the back of my throat. His lips found their way back mine. A knock at the door startled us. We looked at each other and he placed one last kiss to my forehead.

One hour later...

Louis was filming a scene right now. I think he's almost done. I was sitting in his trailer eating some fries from Mcdonald's that Millie gave to me. I would be watching them act right now but I was scared that I would accidentally mess something up.

I was scrolling on tiktok when Taylor facetimed me. I answered and it showed all the girls. It looks like the phone was propped on something. There were still in my room. of course. "Hey babe." Taylor said. "Hey girls." I said back. "So how's it going?" Jessie said. "Great. I met Millie." They all gasped. They all started speaking at once. I had to turn down my volume.

"To answer all of your questions, She's really nice and she even gave me fries." I smiled. "awww" they all said. I heard the trailer door open. "Darling." Louis called out. "I'm here. Bye girls, I have to go." I hung up and walked over to him. He was laying face down on the couch. I pulled out a chair and sat next to him, playing with his hair. He sighed softly. "How are you feeling, bub?

"Tired but there's one more scene for me and we're done" He said. He sat up straight. "I'm just glad we finished just in time for the New York trip." Right, the new york trip. "Yeah me too." I said. He placed a kiss to the tip of my nose. "Alright, I have to go back out now. Come with me?" He asked. I was hesitant at first but then I thought "why not?"

25 minutes later...

"That's a wrap on Enola Holmes, everybody!" The director shouted and everybody started cheering and laughing. Louis and Millie hugged while laughing. They pulled back and Louis came running towards me. He picked up me up and spun me in a circle. "I did it, Emmie!" He yelled.

I giggled as he put me down. I reached up and placed a small kiss to his lips. "You did it, Bub. I'm so proud of you." I whispered to him. He placed his forehead against mine before leaving to go congratulate everybody else and to
join the celebration


Thank you everybody for reading this chapter! I love you all.

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