Chapter Eleven: Change In Heart

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Class finished like any regular day. Soon enough thoose wandering eyes stop wondering. Who was that guy? Was he new? He was attractive sure enough!
I walked to my normal table where there still wasn't an Alex.
Where was he? I wonder, did he go to school.
I sat at Maria's and I old table. Where was she? In the middle of my thoughts someone approached me.

"Hey, Your that girl from Ealier right?" Someone ask.
I quickly turned my attention to the voice.
"Ah, Yea. YOu can call me Monti." I said realizing it was the boy from Ealier.
"So Monti, may I sit with you?"

"S-Sure" I said shifting my gaze from him to his deep red hair. "So what's your name?"

"Oh, My name?" He said grabbing a chair and scooting closer towards me "My name is Keith."

"Nice name." AI added looking deep in his beautiful green eyes.
"T-Thanks" He said slightly blushing.

"Are you new here?"

"Yep, I just moved here last weekend."
"Oh." I said turning my head from the ratherly attractive male.

"So, Are you new here too. I haven't seen you Around..?"

"Oh, I'm not I just wasn't here because of medical issues." I said Turing my attention back towards him.
"Oh. Well maybe you would like to get coffee with me some time?"
I slightly chuckled at his way of asking someone out. "Sure why not."

--Sorry it's so short have things to do and I have to piss c:--

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