Chapter One: Where it starts?

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All I could here was a distant "BEEP BEEP BEEP" Until I relized what was going on.
"Oh Crap I'm going to be late!" I shouted getting out of my bed and running towards the bathroom

I've always did everything the same since I was in Middle school.
But now I'm a senior? Time passes so fast. Next thing I know im going to be graduated!!

As I brushed my teeth, hair, and showered all I could think about is,
Am I going to fit in?
Are people going to like me?

Oh I was nervous like really nervous!

As I finished, I got my clothes on and headed down stairs.

"Good Morning Monti! Are you excited for your first day?

No "Sure.." I said in a sarcastic tone.

"Someone woke up on the bad side of the bed this morning."

"Yea, Yea I have to get going if I want to catch the bus." I said giving my mom a slight peck on the cheek and walking out the door towards the bus stop.

I was the only one on the bus stop as usual. Most teens my age have cars
I'll probably be the only one without one.

I'm starting to dislike the school idea more and more.

The bus finally pulled up after it felt like hours.

I walked down the noisy isle of the bus being trip a few times.

I took my seat in the back trying not to get noticed.

As the bus took off the bus driver turned on music and started jamming.

The bus took a jerk backwards before stopping and kids pilled off the bus.

There was a lot of chatter in the hall as I tried to find my locker

~I don't know a lot about high school because I'm in a elementary with a middle school add on sorry ;(~

Locker 230, 230 ,230 Ah! Here it is!

I saw my locker next to this really handsome boy

"I-Is that ALEX?" I shouted not knowingly

"Huh?" The boy pulled out an ear plugged and looked this way.

*Brianna of September 2015 I'm just editing this story because there are soooo many mistakes! Thanks! Continue to read the story with Brianna from the pass.*

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