Chapter 29

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"Good morning, lovebirds," Will says, as he sits in the armchair, and watches Emma move on the couch, while Jay wakes up straight from the movement he feels next to him. Now they lie on the couch and Jay has his arms wrapped around her. Both of their cheeks blush immediately when they realize that Will was watching them sleep, and they sit on the couch, leaving some distance between them. 

"Will, when did you come?" Emma asks, passing a hand between her hairs. 

"Last night, but you were already asleep. I didn't want to wake you up, you were so cute when Jay stroked your hair," he says, laughing as he goes to the kitchen, while Emma and Jay feel their face burning. 

"I made breakfast. Come on," Will shouts again and without saying anything they go to the kitchen.

"Don't you work today?" he asks them as soon as everyone sits around the table. 

"Voight said we should go later today. You know, the last few days have been difficult," Emma replies, and Will begins to understand more about her visit yesterday. 

"Aren't you working today?" Jay asks, trying not to refer to their latest case, which both his brother and his partner understand. 

"I have a shift later today" he answers. 

"How are you doing, Will?" Emma asks sympathetically. 

"I'm trying. Jay helps a lot," Will admits, smiling at his brother, making Jay smile back. 

"That's very good Will. You'll see, everything will be as it was before, maybe even better," Emma says and Will turns again towards his brother. 

"Is she always so optimistic?" 

"Always," Jay replies, laughing.

"Where's Antonio? He's not picking up his phone," Adam asks Voight when they arrive at the side of the street where they were getting for a bust. 

"So, what's going on?"Emma asks. 

"Jay bust some punk this morning with an ounce of heroin in his car, gave up the drug house. Supposed to be moving a lot of fentanyl. We're gonna hit it, and see what we can find" Voight replies. 

"Yeah, and who we can flip" Kevin adds. 

"Yeah, so I want you to bust them all, too. Junkies, dealers, girlfriends, everyone" Voight says. 

"Hey, you know where Antonio is?" Voight asks Kim again. 

"No, I've been calling him, but..." 


"Right so Spencer, Burgess, and I will take the front. Ruzek, Atwater, you guys take the back" Jay says. 

"All right, hit it. I'll see you all back at the district," Voight tells them and leaves. 

"I was at your house until 10 a.m. when did you manage to make a bust?" Emma whispers to Jay. 

"I was lucky when I took Kohl for a walk," he replies.

"Do we have names or pictures?" Emma asks again, louder this time. 

"No, we're flying blind. But that makes it fun, right?" Jay replies playfully and they all laugh. 

"Chicago PD, nobody move!" Jay shouts as they climb up the stairs and people start running away from them. 

"Nobody move! Hands in the air now!" he yells at them again. 

"Runners to the right," Emma yells as they enter the room. 

"This has gotta be some kind of mistake, man," says the man that Jay has against the wall, while Emma points her gun at two others. 

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