Chapter 57

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As soon as the sound reaches her ears she rushes down the stairs, almost falling as soon as she reaches the last step. She hears him first when she gets to the door and then when she walks into the dark room she sees him. Jay lies on the dirty floor with blood running from his chest as he is gasping for air. 

"No, no, no," she mutters, and after kicking away the gun from Angela, she kneels next to Jay, starting to press his wound, trying to stop the bleeding. 

"Jay, stay with me, stay with me Jay" she begs him as soon as she sees how he struggles to keep his eyes open. 

"I've already called an ambulance. Help is coming, hold on a little longer, okay?" she asks him, trying to keep him awake. Blood, all she sees is blood. 

"What happened?" Voight's hoarse voice makes her turn toward him and suddenly terror is written in everyone's faces as soon as they see Jay on the floor. 

Emma can't find the words to speak, but a glance at Angela makes them understand what happened. Kim runs towards the woman to check if she has a pulse, which Emma didn't even think to do, while Kevin quickly goes outside to see the ambulance. 

"Hey, buddy, help's coming," Adam says kneeling next to his friend and Jay tries to open his eyes. 

"Em... Emma" he says with difficulty, and Emma looks at him scared. 

"Yeah, baby, I'm here. I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere. Hold on a little longer," she tells him with tears running down her face. She doesn't care that they're still working, she doesn't care that her colleagues and her sergeant are there. All she cares about is Jay bleeding under her touch. 

"I' sorry..." he chokes, and Emma shakes her head as more tears soak her face. 

"I know, I know. Try not to talk, try to stay awake," she asks, and her heart beats like crazy when she sees him closing his eyes again. 

"The ambulance is a minute out," Voight announces, and indeed within a short time, the paramedics enter the room. 

Within seconds Jay is on the stretcher and hastily exits the building bound for the ambulance. 

"Hold on. I'm going with him," Emma announces to Voight, and without waiting for an answer she enters the back of the vehicle. 

It only takes five minutes to arrive at Med but in Emma's mind, it seems like years are passing. She sees the paramedic tearing his shirt and work on him. The sound of Jay's heartbeats fills the small ambulance from the heart monitor.

"Hold on Jay, please, we're almost there, we're almost at Med" she whispers, stroking his hand as soon as she finally can sit next to him and then suddenly it hits her. At Med, oh my God Will. Now she only realizes that all these hours the doctor had no idea his brother was missing. And now he was going to see him go through the emergency room door lying on a stretcher. Please, Jay, please.

Suddenly the ambulance stops and everything else happens quickly. Jay is taken to the ED where doctors are already waiting for him and is quickly transferred to surgery. Emma stands still in the waiting room and it is only when she is left alone that she finally notices her blood-covered hands. Even her ring is red now. Her eyes are burning, tears don't stop running, and now she feels she can't breathe. Before her legs give her up two strong hands manage to catch her and without understanding what's going on she suddenly sits in a chair that's there. 

"Hey, try to breathe Emma," a voice asks her and Emma obeys. She closes her eyes and takes deep breaths. A few minutes later, when she opens her eyes, she sees Will kneeling in front of her. 

"Hey," he tells her, and his voice betrays through how anxious he is. 

"Will, I...I..." she's trying to say, and Will rests his hand on her arm. 

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