Chapter 50-part 2

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Within minutes Emma is transferred to an emergency room and Natalie begins to examine her. She checks her whole body, even the parts that were covered by the fabric of her clothes. 

"No cuts back here. Looking good, Emma," the doctor tells her as soon as she fully checks her back. 

"What about your legs?" she asks her as she moves towards the bottom of the bed. 

"I shaved them before the game," Emma replies, and Natalie nods. 

"I'm gonna check them for nicks, all right?" she explains. 

"The girl I brought in, Veronica... she gonna be okay?" she asks, trying to forget about her own situation and focusing her concern on the other girl. Natalie raises her head to look at Emma and then continues her work. As much as she wants to say something, she doesn't have an answer to give. 

"What happened here?" she asks her anxiously as she reaches the point of her hands and Emma bends over to see. 

Jay's voice is heard inside her head as he teased her a few days ago while they were cooking together in their kitchen. You're clumsy, he had told her and laughed while he held the towel around her finger. Come here, I'll kiss it to make it better, he had also told her when she complained that she was in pain and they were laughing together. But now as she looked Natalie in the eye, her laughter was completely cut off. 

"I cut myself a few days ago... Is there a problem?" she replies, and Natalie looks at her trying to find the right words. 

"It's considered a break in the skin even if it's not recent," 

"So we're waiting to see if I'm infected?" 

"Yes... You need to go into quarantine. I'll call Mrs. Goodwin," she says sadly and leaves the room, leaving Emma alone with her thoughts.

"Hey" Will's voice makes Emma raise her head from the spot where she sits inside the plastic quarantine tent. 

"Hey" she greets him and goes towards him, even if the plastic slide separates them. 

"How are you? How do you feel?" 

"Like a time bomb... I'm just waiting," she replies honestly, and Will opens his mouth to comfort her. 

"But it's okay. It's going to be okay," she interrupts him and tries to be optimistic, as she knows very well that Will is one of the doctors fighting the infection on the front line. 

"So you're going to tell me who we're waiting for and they're setting up so many tents or it's going to be a surprise?" she asks, and Will tries to figure out how to inform her of the new developments without scaring her. When he does it, Emma just nods. 

"I'll have to go by the building in Fairfield to help them. Do you need anything?" he asks her and tries to hide his sadness because he can't guarantee her health, and Emma smiles sweetly at him, understanding his thoughts. 

"Yeah, actually... Can you call Jay? He's probably freaked out that I haven't called him in so long," she tells him, and Will nods. 

"Of course" 

"Thank you... Will, be careful," she says, and after he smiles at her, he leaves, trying to find the courage to alert his brother.

"Do we have any news from Emma?" Voight asks as he leaves his office and Jay shakes his head negatively. Only he and his boss are in the bullpen. Everyone else has taken on external business related to the case. 

"Did you try her personal phone?" 

"Yeah, it goes straight to voicemail," he replies and rubs his eyes. 

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