New Place, Same People

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It's the next day, the team is heading back home. Tobin and Christen are boarding the plane - Christen's POV

I'm still in shock about what happened yesterday. I'm the happiest I've ever been. I hear our plane get called over the speaker and I head to board the plane. Tobin follows closely beside me. We have to be more careful in public and I hate it. 

On the plane - Christen's POV

Our flight is 4 hours back to Portland. I'm living with Tobin for the time being. I'm definitely not mad about it. I smile not realizing Tobin was staring at me.

"Whatcha thinking about?" She asks me curiously.

"You." I say, looking down at my hands as I smile. 

"Oh yeah?" She replied smirking, "Why's that?" She added.

"Oh I dunno, I'm just thinking about yesterday and well, basically this whole weekend." I reply. 

"Ah, got it," Tobin says, looking back to her phone. 

"Why?" I ask, hoping she wasn't upset about the answer I gave her.

"Just was wondering," she says. I had a hard time believing that was true for some reason. I turn towards her.

"Was that not the answer you were looking for?" I questioned. She looked up, almost as if she was shocked I said that. 

"I thought you'd be thinking about, like, living with me," she answered. 

"I am thinking about that, don't get me wrong, Tobs. I just have a lot of things on my mind right now, that's all," I answer calmly with a smile. She smiles back at me. 

It's been a long weekend so we both sleep almost the entire flight until we are woken up by the noise of people around us getting up to exit the plane. We both grab our things and make our way into the airport. 

Tobin's house - Tobin's POV

I got us a taxi back to my place. I had a lot of things running through my head, especially about Christen. Did she truly want to stay at my place? I keep having second thoughts about a lot of things. I'm trying to loosen up and let stuff go.

We get back to my place and I unlock the door.

"Ah. Finally back home again." I walk through the door with both Christen and I's bags and plant them on the floor. Christen walks around giving herself a tour.

As she's doing that I start cleaning up a little bit and settling back in. 

"Here let me help you," she says. I didn't want her to feel as if she needed to do anything so I declined.

"No baby, you can go relax, I know you're tired. It's okay. Besides, I'm almost done anyway and then we can relax together." I say. She gives me a gentle smile and hugs me before sitting down on the couch and turning on the TV. 

I finish up cleaning and throw our laundry into the wash. I go into my room and put new sheets on the bed before making my way into the living room and sitting on the couch by Christen.

9 P.M. at Tobin's house - Christen's POV

It's already 9 P.M. I felt bad not helping Tobin clean up but she told me not to. Hm. It smells so good in here. I like her taste in decorating. I feel at home here. I look over to see Tobin almost falling asleep.

"We should get ready for bed," I suggest. She nods her head in agreement and we make our way into the bathroom where we shower and get our pj's on. 

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