Rainy days and Camp

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One week until camp - Christen's POV

We're officially one week out from camp. Tobin's hand is looking a lot better and she's been feeling good enough to start training again. I haven't mentioned much about the camp yet, I'll probably bring it up later today. We just got back from a training and are catching up on some work. I realize I've been zoned out for the last ten minutes.

"Chris?" Tobin says, looking over at me. She definitely noticed I was completely zoned out.

"Yeah?" I respond, rubbing my eyes and looking over at her. 

"You okay? You look distracted." She says, setting her laptop to the side.

"Yeah,  I was actually just thinking about the camp coming up." I respond, shutting my laptop and pushing it aside.

"What about it?" She says, moving closer to me. I look down at her hand.

"You're going to be okay to come, right?" I ask, running my hand over hers.

"Well yeah, I don't need my hands to play," she responds, shrugging her shoulders. I half laugh at her.

"No, I know that, Tobin. But for real-" she interrupts me.

"Christen, I'm fine. Why are you so worried?" She asks, pushing strand hairs out of my face. I don't answer her for a second. I don't really know why I'm so worried. I mean, she's had broken bones and surgeries before and I'm sure she thinks this is no big deal. 

I clear my throat. "I don't know, Tobin. I don't know why I'm so worried. I know that you're fine." I finally say. 

"Is something else wrong?" Tobin asks, running circles around my thigh with her finger. I shake my head and stand up. Maybe I just need to be alone for a minute.

"I'm going outside for a little bit." I say, walking to the door. She doesn't respond.

I close the door behind me and sit on the floor. It's cloudy outside, I think it's supposed to rain. I'm only sitting outside for about 10 minutes before I can feel raindrops on my arms. I don't want to go inside yet. I lay on my back and close my eyes. I listen to and feel the patter of the rain. I hear the door open and can feel Tobin's presence. I don't open my eyes, though. I hear her footsteps come closer to me before they stop. She lays down beside me. I open one eye to look at her and her eyes are closed. I drop my hands to the side and breathe out. She reaches her hand over to mine and holds it, rubbing my thumb like she always does. Small things like that bring the most comfort. I can hear her inhale like she's about to say something but she paused.

"Hm?" I whisper. 

"Sorry, nothing." she whispers back.

"I don't believe you," I whisper, unintentionally smiling to myself.

"Why not?" She whispers back. I turn my head towards her and can see a soft grin on her face. She doesn't notice I'm looking at her so I turn my head back.

"Because I know when you're lying," I whisper, adjusting my head on the hard floor.

"How do you know?" She whispers back.

"I just do." I reply, still whispering with my head turned away. I can feel her adjust her grip on my hand.

"No, tell me how." She whispers.

"Make me," I whisper back, silently laughing. I can feel her sit up and turn herself towards me. I open my eyes and turn my head. Her jaw is dropped.

"Christen!" She whisper yells, poking me in the side. 

"Wait, why are we still whispering?" I ask, still whispering. She laughs and shrugs her shoulders. 

"We should go inside, it's getting dark and it's cold," she suggests, standing up, and reaching her hand down to pull me off the floor. I grab her hand. We both walk inside, soaked from the rain. My teeth are chattering. 

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