I Use My Hands

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The entirety of this chapter is smut so if you don't care to read it, you can skip. This part isn't needed to continue the plot. :)


The rest of my clothes are off now. She steps to the side so I can step in beside her.

"The shower back home is a lot better than this one. I can't wait to go back home." She says, looking around at the shower. I nod in agreement, this shower was a lot smaller than ours back home.

"Me too. Only three days left of camp to go." I reply. She nods her hand and shuffles her feet around to rinse the conditioner out of her hair. I stepped around to the front of her so she could reach the water easier. And.. for other reasons. She rinses her hair and reaches for her shower gel.

"I can do that." I say, grabbing it before her.

"Fine with me." She replies, putting her arms at her side. "I forgot to grab a washcloth." She says, looking around for one in the bathroom.

"Good thing I got these." I reply, holding up both my hands. We both laugh simultaneously. I lather the shower gel together between my palms and start putting it on her skin. I start at her shoulders and continue down. Reaching her chest, her breath hitches and I pause. At first I thought I did something wrong, but see a smile come across her face.

"Did I scare you?" She asks, making eye contact with me.

"For a second. Did I scare you?" I reply back, maintaining the eye contact.

"Nope." She says, breaking the eye contact by closing her eyes. I nod my head and continue past her chest.

Still showering - Christen's POV

As she drags the soap around my body, her actions soothed my skin. The soap caresses my neck like her kisses. Goosebumps cover the skin she runs her hands across, though the water running down my body is close to scalding. The steam condensates on the glass door of the shower. I can feel her hands wandering my body and every movement makes me want her more. Her right hand grips my side and I give up, kissing her on her lips. An innocent peck quickly turns into an instant hunger. The grip on my side tightens as she leans against me, stepping back into the wall of the shower. Our lips melt into one and our tongues find each other. Sucking on her bottom lip, I can hear her lightly moan. I can feel her kisses slow down and she pulls herself away from me.

"Chris," she says, catching her breath. "We should probably stop before one of us falls in here. It's slippery."

She loosens her grip on my side and puts more shower gel on her palms to continue washing my body. As she continues on, she places gentle kisses over my body.

"Tobin.." I say, with an accidental tone of urgency in my voice.

"Shh.. we have time, I want to take it slow." She replies. She's such a tease and she knows it.

As her hands and lips move slowly around my body, I can feel my knees getting weaker like I'm going to collapse.

"Let's hurry up in here so we can go into the bedroom. You can lay down in there." Tobin says, reaching to turn the knob in the shower. I grab her arm and stop her from turning the water off.

"Wait, I'll wash your body now." I say, grabbing my shower gel. As I form suds on her body, I can barely focus. I feel as if I can't take it anymore. I place my lips on her neck as my hands wander her body. I can feel her hands reach my stomach as she pushes me away.

"Chris, not in here. We should get out, the water's not even hot anymore." She says. I ignore her. I know what I want. I place my lips on her neck again and before she can protest, I make my way down to her chest. I gently bite down before making circles with my tongue. A light moan escapes from her lips and I know she finally gave in. Her body relaxes and I lean her against the shower wall. I look back up from her chest to see that her eyes are closed and she's barely able to contain herself.

"Christen-" she stammers, "... don't stop." I can feel her body shake before tensing up. I hear her sigh with relief. The now cool water is running down my back as I step backwards off of her. She steps into the water and rinses the remaining soap off her body. I've learned that she doesn't like to be touched or kissed for a moment after she cums.

"Want to get out now?" She asks, with a big smile across her face.

"Yeah, the water is freezing now." I reply, turning the water off. We step out of the shower and she grabs a towel to wrap around herself before grabbing one for me and dries me off. I reach down to grab my clothes but she stops me.

"You don't need those." She says, holding onto my wrist as she leads me into the bedroom.

She picks me up and lays me on our bed before sitting up and looking me up and down.

"You look so good." She says.

"Stop telling me and just show me." I reply.

"Damn, you're bossy." She says, laughing. She listened though, and took control. She makes her way down my body using her lips and I feel her hands wandering around my thigh. Her lips now reach the insides of my thighs and I feel her pause.

"Can I?" She asks, looking back up at me.

"Yes," I gasp. She continues again, moving closer with every movement. The first stroke of her tongue makes us both moan simultaneously. She continues at the same pace, going back and forth. My body involuntarily shudders and I bring my hand down to the sheets, clenching my fist. It's becoming harder to hold my leg still so her hand grips my thigh and she pushes it back out wider. I'm pushing my hips into the bed as she is still stroking me with her tongue. I can feel myself loosen up. Two fingers enter me, curling upwards. A louder moan escapes my lips and her free hand covers my mouth. She stills continues at the same pace until I unexpectedly cum, my whole body stiffening up before collapsing. Her fingers slowly leave me and she turns herself on her back to lay beside me.

"Is that what you wanted?" She asked, panting.

"Even better." I reply, panting as well. I turn on my side before rolling over onto her body, kissing her as we're both still breathing hard.

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