Camp Week Two

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Into the second week of camp - Christen's POV

It's the next week of camp already. Tobin and I are walking around the pitch since practice just ended. I'm exhausted and my right quad is killing me, I'm not sure why. 

"Are you okay?" Tobin suddenly asks, looking over at me. 

I take a second to answer. "...Uh, yeah. Yeah I'm good." I sigh, continuing to walk with her. 

"No, something's wrong. I can tell." she replies as she stops walking. "You're walking differently than you normally do." She adds. How does she notice every little thing? Crazy.

I stop putting up a front. "My right quad just hurts for some reason," I finally say, looking down at my leg.

"Chris," Tobin replies, "Why didn't you say something? We didn't have to walk around the field, we could have gone back and gotten ice." She adds, wiping the sweat off her face. It's super hot today, one of the hottest days of the camp so far. 

I sigh. "I know. But I like walking around together. Plus, I'm not really worried about it, I've had pain like this before. I thought walking it off might help it, I don't know." I say, shrugging my shoulders. 

"Okay, well it's kind of a far walk back. Get on my back, I'll carry you." She says, stepping in front of me.

"Tobin, there's cameras like, everywhere." I say, making sure to be quiet.

"It's okay, there's always cameras." She replies, still waiting for me to hop on her back. I look around once more and eventually give in.

Once we get back to the bench, I sit down while Tobin jogs over to get ice. Looking down at my leg, I can already see swelling. My heart drops. As I'm looking down at my leg, Tobin gets back with the ice. Her eyes follow to my leg and I can see her eyes widen.

"Woah. I won't lie Christen, that doesn't look good. Are you sure you don't wanna go see the trainer? She's right over there." She says, pointing to the other side of the field.

I shrug my shoulders. "Maybe I should." I say, getting up from the bench. We walk over to the trainer together before she takes a look at my leg. She tells me I have a strained quad and shouldn't continue on with camp. She wraps my leg and tells me to go back to the hotel and ice it. Great.

Back at the hotel - Tobin's POV

We made it back to the hotel and I'm carrying Christen on my back. I walk through the door and set her down on our bed. 

"I'll go get you some ice, baby." I say, walking over to the freezer in our room. The ice is all in one huge block so I had to break it apart before putting it in a bag. Walking back over to our bed, Christen's hands are covering her face which tells me she is crying. She always covers her face. I set the ice down on the end of the bed before leaning over her and wrapping my arms around her waist. I'm at an awkward angle to avoid leaning on her leg, but I don't mind. She brings her hands from her face and pulls me in closer, her tears soaking my shirt. We lay together for a few more minutes until I feel her relax. I let go of her and see that she fell asleep. I carefully grab the ice from the end of the bed and place it on her leg. I can see her eyes flutter open and she holds her arms out for me. I climb back in bed beside her on her left side and we both fall asleep together. 

The next day - Christen's POV

I'm woken up by the noise of the shower running. As an instinct I get up quickly, thinking I'm running behind but it doesn't take me long to realize. I involuntarily wince from the pain in my leg and lay back down on the bed. It's 5:15 AM, there's a training at 6. I wish so badly I could go. I try falling back asleep while Tobin is in the shower but all I can focus on is my leg. I hear the water turn off and Tobin steps out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her. 

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