I bolted upright, screaming bloody murder, causing Skylar to fall out of the bed face first on the floor. Lilith's crazy laughter kept playing around over and over in my head, causing me to scream even more.

Skylar scrambled to her feet as the door burst open and everyone came running, shouting questions and rushing towards us.

I tried to calm down, telling myself it was just a nightmare and that Lilith

wasn't really here, but I couldn't squash the panic and fear that was burning inside of me but I was too scared. I couldn't shake the sound of hearing Lilith laughing in my ear as she strangled me to death and Helen telling me how there was someone here I couldn't trust.

Peter suddenly slapped his hand over my forehead and exhaustion suddenly overcame me, causing me to lay back, close my eyes, and return to oblivion.

I woke up to the light in the room on, causing me to squint against the harsh brightness. I slowly sat up and realized my pajamas were drenched in sweat. I remembered what had happened before I fell back to sleep and felt my face flood with embarrassment. I more than likely woke up the whole pack house and they more than likely thought I was a complete nut job.

"Thank god," I heard someone mutter and I looked over to find Claire sitting there, watching me closely. "You're alright."

I felt my face grow even hotter as I recalled screaming so loud I caused Skylar to fall off the bed and everyone else to run in here. "Is Skylar okay?"

"She's fine. We were just worried if you were okay."

"I'm fine. I just - I had a nightmare about Lilith, Helen, and Johnny. As stupid as it sounds, I couldn't stop screaming. I was so scared."

Claire put her hand over mine and smiled. "It's perfectly fine. No reason to be embarrassed."

"Did everyone hear me?"

"Yes, but still, no reason to be so embarrassed. You've been through a lot and everyone's wondering how you're still sane."

Her words did little to comfort me. I just wanted to get back under the covers and never come back out. I had no idea how I was going to face the others after that.

Claire rubbed her thumb over my hand soothingly, calming me down a little bit. "Do you want to tell me what the nightmare was about?"

"Lilith came up behind me and was strangling me. Helen and Johnny were trying to tell me something but. . ." It took me a long moment to remember what Helen said before Lilith started strangling me and I cursed myself. How the hell could I forget?

Suddenly, I remembered. Before Lilith had grabbed me, she was telling me to watch out who I should trust, to be wary of everyone. As her words played out in my mind, a stone sank to my stomach as the implications of her words dawned on me. Could the shapeshifters be working for Lilith? Could everyone around me not be what they seemed? Could I even trust anyone?
"Luna?" Claire said gently. I'd temporarily thought she was there. "Do you remember what Helen said?"

"No, I don't," I lied. It suddenly felt important to keep what I heard Helen said to myself. "All I remember was Lilith strangling me and passing out."

Claire gazed at me skeptically. I could tell she didn't believe me and I

prayed she wouldn't press for answers. "Are you sure? Do you think you can try to remember?"

"No, I can't. Sorry."

Claire continued to gaze at me for a long moment. I forced myself not to

Luna's JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now