Chapter 7

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It was a day after the incident. Oikawa didn't sleep that night. He was afraid to. He stayed awake the whole time crying and looking at his phone. He got up out of bed to wash his tear stained face, brush his tangled hair and got dressed into a white hoodie and black jeans. There was no way in hell he was leaving the house that day so he just stayed at home. He made his bed and lay down on it then reached over to his bedside draw and dug through it. And then he found it. His high school diary. 'I have nothing else to do so I might aswell have a look.' Oikawa thought as he opened the book.

(Flashback thingy idk)

Oikawa was an only child, born into a wealthy family. The only thing is, his parents only wanted him to take over the family business. Oikawa didn't want that though, he wanted to make his own dreams. Not someone else's. He would be admired by his classmates and would gain a lot of 'friends' but they were only there for the money. Oikawa knew this but still tried to keep his hopes up, saying to himself that they are his true friends and are not using him for his wealth but deep down inside he knew that they were using him.

His parents were extremely homophobic and disagreed with liking the same gender and that it is a sin. But Oikawa never agreed with that. He always supported Gay couples and anyone from the LGBTQ+ community. Probably because he was apart of it. He was Gay himself. He obviously didn't tell his parents but he did write it down in a diary and hid it under his mattress. One day he came home after school to see his furious mother and father in their massive kitchen.

(A flashback in a flashback...𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮👌)

Oikawa gives his bag to the maid who tells him to go to the kitchen immediately. He thought it was his favourite food so he went to the kitchen happy. That was soon gone when he went inside the kitchen and seen his angry mother's and father's face. "Hey mum and dad! What's wrong? You seem pretty ang-." Then he seen what they were holding. His diary. "H-How did you f-find th-that?" Oikawa stuttered. "The maids where cleaning out your room and found this under your mattress and gave it to us." His mother replied angry. "And we have seen everything." His father then added. Oikawa stood there frozen, not knowing what to say next. "So are you gay?" Oikawa looked down in guilt. "Y-Yes mother..." His father then got up and stomped towards him. Oikawa looked up in fear. "Dad? W-What are you-." He was cut off by a hard slap to the face. So hard, it made Oikawa fall to the floor, holding his cheek that was surely going to bruise. "YOU ARE A DISGRACE TO THE OIKAWA FAMILY AND BUSINESS! WE HAD EVERYTHING PLANNED YOU SELFISH B*STARD!" Oikawa's eyes widened. "W-What do you mean?!"
"Don't you get it?!..

Your life was already planned out."

Oikawa stared in disbelief, tears welling up in his eyes. "Now go get your stuff and get. The. F*ck. OUT!" Oikawa quickly got up and ran to his room sobbing. He slammed the door shut and fell onto his knees, letting tears drop onto the floor. "Sir Oikawa?" He heard a women's gentle voice on the side of the door. Maid Demura. She was a tall blonde haired women who was in her mid 30's. He quickly got up and opened the door, immediately hugging her. She hugged back of course. "What's wrong dear?"
"Mum and dad found out." Demura was the only one who knew Oikawa was gay and supported him. "Oh..." She went inside his room and shut the door. "Tell me everything ok?" Oikawa nodded and let go of her. After a few minutes, he had told her. She felt so bad for him and wanted to take him home but she couldn't because she basically lived in the mansions basement so she wouldn't have anywhere to hide him. "I'm so sorry Oikawa, I would take you in but-."
"It's ok Maid Demura, I will try make arrangements with my friends and ask if I can stay at their's until I get a job."
"Well my husband has just recently opened a bakery in the town centre and he's looking for employees. You can ask to work there." Oikawa's eyes widened as he smiled. "Thank you! I will try get a job there!"
"No need to thank me. Now let's get your stuff packed." Demura said as she got up and walked towards his walk-in wardrobe.

After that Oikawa left his parents house. Only saying goodbye to maid Demura. He walked towards the town centre and tried to find the bakery that Demura had gave him directions to. He was only 16 at the time, so it could have been a problem trying to find a job.

After a couple of weeks, Oikawa had started working at the bakery and he had been living above the bakery in a small room which Demura's husband had kept private. He was a very nice man aswell. After some time however, he had enough money to buy an apartment and he also had started starstagram and grew popular on there for his looks and what he baked, particularly his milk bread. He eventually found a pretty good apartment complex and decided that he was going to buy an apartment there. It was far away in another city so he had to quit his job which was sad for him but he had to do it if he was going to live in another city, plus he had enough money to last him a couple months rent. He said goodbye to the Demura's and promised he would visit every summer. Once he had gotten to the other city and he was settled into his apartment. The next thing he did was find a job. He wanted to find a job that he would enjoy doing since in the city it was hard to find a bakery, it was mostly just fast food. But he had found a poster for a modelling job for one of the most expensive shops in Japan. He wanted to give it a go so he went to the audition and got the job! He was so happy. He eventually started working and modelling for the latest fashion. Because the shop he was modelling for was extremely well known, he was recognised on billboard's and adverts. He quickly gained a lot of following and blew up overnight. He was now considered one of Starstagrams's biggest influencers. Anywhere he went he was recognised. His parents never contacted him but he honestly didn't mind. He never really liked them anyway. The Demura's had heard of his success and congratulated him, even coming to visit him after he was hired.

It had now been 4 years and Oikawa couldn't be anymore happier than he is now. Being only 20 and with 10M followers on Starstagram. Most of Japan knew him now and he would constantly get fangirls coming up to him, always giving him presents and wanting his autograph. He honestly felt like a world wide superstar. He was the best at his job for modelling and was always told to model in the most newest outfits.

He was living the most perfect life.

But that all changed in the space of a night.


Holy moly sorry I was gone for like a week or two. I probably have covid (I'm gonna get tested soon) so I have to stay in the house for like 2 weeks or so and I'm only on my 2nd day 🥲 But it also means that I could get more chapters out for this and I also wanna start a new book so that might happen but uhhh yeah. This was my longest chapter for some reason but yeah anyway adios.

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