Chapter 10

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Once Iwaizumi had made it to Oikawa's apartment he seen the door wide open and a letter on the floor. He picked it up and read through it. "Shit. He must have gone to his place." He immediately shut the door, put the letter in his pocket and ran outside. He had no idea who this Sugawara person was or where he lived so he just ran towards the nearest apartment complex that was 10 minutes away.

(In Suga's apartment)

Oikawa's eyes slowly moved to the side and seen the man's face. "Now be a good boy and don't make a sound." The man said while lifting the knife closer to Oikawa's chin. That's when Tooru realised he still had the knife in his hand quickly flipped it upside down and stabbed the man's stomach. The man let out a painful screech and let go of Oikawa. Oikawa immediately made a run for the door way knowing that this was all a trap and he wasn't gonna get Suga back when a hand suddenly grabbed his ankle making him fall and bang his nose on the ground which resulted in it bleeding. He started getting dragged and flipped onto his back when the man got on top of him and was about to stab him when Oikawa managed to grab his arm with the knife in and kick him off of him. He got up and grabbed the knife on the floor and ran to the man who was struggling to get up and stab him in the back multiple times. Blood started oozing from the mans back as he let of a scream then dropped on the floor not moving. Oikawa had now gotten blood all over his hands, coat and face. He dropped the knife and ran out of the apartment, down the stairs and outside on the sidewalk.

He had managed to get across the road and onto the other side walk when he suddenly heard the mans laugh. "YOU CAN'T GET RID OF ME!" Oikawa wized his head around to see the man drenched head to toe in his blood, limping towards him with a knife in hand. Oikawa looked left to right and seen no one. He thought this was it and that he was going to die. He slowly walked backwards until his back hit a wall. He was trapped. The man started to come closer to him, rising the knife. Oikawa knew now he would die. He squeezed his eyes shut and waited for some sort of pain but it never came. He slightly opened his eyes and seen Iwaizumi tackling the man on the ground. Oikawa's eyes widened as he stood there frozen in place, staring at what was happening.

The man managed to grab hold of the knife again and stab Iwaizumi in his right arm. Hajime let out a pained yell and held the man down. Iwa punched him in the face knocking the man out cold. He quickly got up and ran to Oikawa, ignoring the pain and blood coming from his arm. "OIKAWA! Are you ok?! Oh-God you're drenched in blood. We need to call the police." Oikawa's eyes then started to flood with tears. He started sobbing and hugged Iwaizumi tightly. "H-Hey it's ok just calm down." A sharp pain shot through Iwa's arm as he let out a pained yelp. "O-Oh sorry Iwa. W-Wait...Y-YOUR ARM, ITS BLEEDING!"
"I know! Just call the police will ya?!" Oikawa put his hands in his pockets. "I don't have my phone." Iwaizumi let out a grumble. "Use mine." Iwa used his free arm and took out his phone and handed it to Oikawa. He quickly swiped on the phone, blood smearing on the screen, and typed in 911. Once someone had picked up, he started explaining what happened and where they were.

After 10 minutes the police finally came. At this point the man who had stabbed Iwaizumi's arm had started to wake up but was to weak to move a muscle. The paramedics quickly picked up the man and placed him into a ambulance. The other paramedics there were treating Iwa's arm. Luckily the man hadn't dug the knife in deeply and only slashed Iwaizumi's arm so they were bandaging his arm up. Once they were done they walked away. "Now I suggest you now get in the car so we can drive you to the police station." Oikawa was still drenched in blood and Iwaizumi had it all over his hoodie and hands.

—————— Time skip because why not? ——————

"So you're telling me that a letter came to your house right after Mr. Iwaizumi left and you went to Sugawara Koushi's apartment to meet him." Oikawa nodded. Investigator Saisho sighed. Just then a police walked in with papers. "Sir we have identified the man." He said handing him the papers. He quickly glanced at them then pushed them towards Oikawa and Iwaizumi. "Is this him?" They looked at the papers. It shown the same man that had been tormenting Oikawa and his name and age.

Ketsu Kurosawa

Age: 21

Oikawa felt like he had heard that name before but shook it off. "Yes. Yes it is him." Saisho took back the papers. "Ok you are free to go."
"Wait hold on. Are you going to do anything about it?" Iwaizumi asked clearly annoyed. "All we can do right now is wait for him to recover because he won't speak."
"WELL THEN MAKE HIM SPEAK!" Iwaizumi suddenly got up and slammed his hands on the deck.  Saisho sighed. "You're just going to have to wait. Now please leave and go home before I call security." Iwaizumi angrily huffed and started walking out, Oikawa following close behind.

"I can't believe they can't do anything about it." Iwaizumi said kicking a rock. "I know...How is your arm?"
"It's ok. The paramedics said I just have to take a couple more days off. They said it might leave a permanent scar like it did with your hand." Oikawa looked down at his right hand and seen the scar. He cringed remembering that moment.

"Well we're here. Want me to walk in with you?"
"No I should be ok, goodnight Iwa-chan." Oikawa said starting to walk inside. "Goodnight Trashykawa." They both chuckled before separating.

Once Oikawa made it into his apartment, he locked the door and windows, shutting the blinds right after and heading straight for the bathroom. He started running himself a bath and leaned on the sink, staring at the wall blankly. Once the bath was ran, he undressed himself and sat in the water. As soon as he sat down the water turned red from all of the blood on Oikawa. He just sat there staring blankly at the red water as tears started running down also turning red from the blood on his face. He then broke down crying. Where had he gone wrong? Why was it him that had to have this happen to him. First his parents abandoned him, next his best friend disappears and now a stalker that wants him dead is after him. Why did it have to be him? He lay down in the bath dunking his head underwater and not bringing it back up. What was he doing? Why is he not coming back up? Why does he just want to leave this earth and not come back? He was slowly starting to lose air. That's when he remembered Iwaizumi. He remembered the time he first met him in the store. He remembered the time he saved him dying of blood loss. He remembered the time when Iwaizumi stayed at his and watched a series together. He remembered the time he tackled that man to the ground, risking his life for him. He didn't want to lose Hajime. No. He couldn't lose Hajime. Oikawa quickly sat up, breathing in the air and coughing. After his coughing fit had ended, he brought his legs up to his chest and hugged them breathing heavily. That night Oikawa sat in that same position in the bath until the water ran freezing cold eventually getting out and into his pj's before stumbling to bed and falling into a deep slumber.

Wow I did not mean to make it the sad 😳

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