Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

~Disclaimer : I don't own Divergent~

.:A/N - Sorry it took so long to update but I didn't have much time recently (and also I didn't know how I should write this chapter.) I hope you enjoy it!:.

The darkness around her was suffocating.

Drea was paralyzed by fear as she covered on the ground, trying not to make a sound when suddenly the high-pitched scream of a child rent the air.
She remained in her position, too frightened to move even a single inch.
Drea tried to cover her ears when another scream pierced the air, sounding even more agonised.
Eventually, stung with remorse, she anxiously got up to follow the origin of the sound. When she finally reached her destination, she stumbled into the dazzling light, blinking and startled by the deafening sound of guns being loaded and fired very close to her.
After a while, her eyes adjusted to the light and what she saw made her scream, the sound only muffled by the hand she managed to clasp over her mouth just in time.
The floor was covered in blood and in... Bodies. Bodies of innocents...Drea knew she had to do something. Keeping out of sight of the shooting soldiers she continued to follow the trail of blood until she found a small group of survivors, consistent of an old lady, a pregnant woman and two small children, one of which was the one that screamed because of a bullet wound in its leg. They were all hiding behind a thin wall made out of slightly crumbled concrete, hunched together in fear of being shot.
"W-who are you?" Drea's voice cracked.
One of the children, a small girl, got up as she noticed Drea. "G-get away from us! We don't have what you're searching for!" She yelled. "I'm not one of the soldiers!", Drea pleaded "I... I want to help you!" " least I think so..." She added silently.
The crowd burst into bickering about if they should trust her or not. Suddenly the old woman got up, staring at Drea with a knowing look.
"You can only safe whatever you value the most. Who are you going to safe? An old woman who is unable to defend herself? A mother, about to give birth to new life? Or the children, promising a bright future?"
Drea's eyes widened in horror. "I..I have to choose?!" The woman nodded. "Who do you safe?" The uninjured child got up. "Who do you choose?" The young mother got up. "What are you going to do?"
Their voices got louder and louder, beckoning Drea to abandon the ones she would have to leave behind.
"STOP! I'm not abandoning anyone!!" Drea shouted before reminding herself not to give away their position to the shooting soldiers. "Why on earth shouldn't I be able to safe more than one person?? I promise I'll find a way to make this work. Now come on, let's go." She crouched down to pick up the wounded child.
They began to search their way through the battlefield, careful not to alert the soldiers who were now searching for the survivors.
Drea thought they were going to make it until she heard the heavy footsteps of someone right around the corner. Panicking, she pushed her company into a small alley where they wouldn't be seen right away.
"Hey!" Her eyes widened in fear and she flinched when she heard a strident, almost mechanic voice right behind her, followed by the clicking of a gun with the safety catch off.
For a moment Drea thought she saw a spark of recognition in his eyes. "Have you seen any refugees?!", he asked, lifting his weapon to the height of her head. She slightly backed away but refused to step away from the alley. "
N-no. Why" The soldier smirked. "Are you sure? This gun is loaded, you know?" He clicked it again just to prove it. "Yes. I definitely did not see anyone else beside you." The soldier glanced around as if making sure they were alone. "Listen, I know you're hiding them. I could just shoot you and them right now, that's just what my instructions say...or you tell me where they are and I let you off the hook. How does that sound?" He looked slightly troubled, as if trying to make her realize she could trust him. Drea wanted to just turn around and run, but she couldn't leave the others alone. She promised to find a way they all would survive!
"I don't know what you're talking about! I honestly haven't seen anyone and thus definitely am not hiding anyone, I swear!" The soldiers expression changed to the hard, cold mask of the psychopath he was.
He smirked as he fired his gun.

Drea didn't even feel her collision with the ground as everything went black again.

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