Chapter 4 Baited

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No one's POV

(Weeks later after the heist)

Currently, within one of four Pelicans, Carolina, Zero, Washington, One, North, South and C.T. were gearing up, all wearing jet packs. Getting ready to capture the Insurrectionist leader who was located within UNSC Scrap Metal Recycling Station.

Four Seven Niner: Well, that went to hell quicker than we thought. Out of the frying pan into the shit.

Carolina: We're going to need a new insertion point. York was supposed to open the leader's hangar for us.

York: (over radio) It wasn't my fault!

Four Seven Niner: We'll have to settle for the main hangar.

Carolina: Which one is that?

Four Seven Niner: The one with the shooting things coming out at us.

Carolina: Never a dull moment, huh?

Four Seven Niner: I'd get your team ready; we're gonna come in hot.

Carolina heads to the back of the dropship where Zero, One, Wash, C.T, South, and North were.

Carolina:You heard her, we're going for the main hangar! Be ready for anything

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Carolina:You heard her, we're going for the main hangar! Be ready for anything.

Zero: So I've heard. York screwed up our original insertion point?

York: (over radio) Oh fuck off!

North: So much for a smooth ride.

South: Heh, what's the matter, feeling sick?

North: Hey, I'm not the one who needed a barf bag on all our family trips.

Washington then looked over at Carolina.

Washington: How are you feeling? Are you up to this?

Carolina: Say what you want to say, Wash.

One: I think he means giving up your AI. It was a big deal.

Carolina: I'll be fine. Worry about yourselves.

South looked over at C.T.

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