Chapter 16 Memory Is The Key

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No one's POV

Currently Grif is running for his life as a tumbling Warthogs chases behind him, which Meta continuing throwing them.

Grif: Oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God, ooooh God!

The Warthogs hits two palm trees, nearly crushing Grif. Church walks out of his hiding place.

Church: Oh my God, that guy got fucked up!

Grif: What the hell was that!?

Church: Aw, he lived? That's bullshit.

Church returns to his hiding place.

Sarge: Grif, if I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times, you gotta pay attention in battle! You can't let yourself get distracted by- oh crap, flying jeep.

A flying Warthog, thrown by the Meta, nearly hits Sarge.

Simmons: Run!

Simmons and Sarge retreat, chased by several falling objects of considerable size and mass

Church: Well. Guess they're definitely not workin' together.

Washington: Now that he's powered up, he's just killing everything. We're next.

Sarge: Move it or lose it.

Simmons: Yeah come on, scootch, scootch.

Church: Hey. Get out of here, Reds. This is our cover.

Simmons: What is that thing?

Church: You guys remember Tex?

Simmons: Yeheah, the girl who kicked our asses all the time?

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Simmons: Yeheah, the girl who kicked our asses all the time?

Church: Yeah, well, this thing's like, eight of her.

Zero: Great, Maine must be at full power now. Church, you and the Reds keep it busy. We're going to help Caboose.

Zero and Washington runs off and towards One and Caboose.

Simmons: Did he say keep it busy?

Church: Yeah...

Simmons: How the hell do we do that?

Sarge: Looks like Grif is doing a pretty good job already.

Everyone looks over to a pile of objects of considerable size and mass, with more arriving regularly, and Grif behind it.

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