Chapter 53 Capital Assets

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No one's POV

Currently in the Capital of Armonia, One was with Kimball and Doyle trying to be a peacekeeper, to keep them from fighting.


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One: ...-_-... I can't believe I actually volunteered for this crap...

Kimball: I don't care if your men prefer it, the fact to the matter is we are going to run out of ammunition faster.

Doyle: But you're not taking the statistical advantage into account! Yes, the standard issue Assault Rifle has a fire rate of fifteen rounds per second, but if those rounds aren't being fired at the enemy, then that means we have fifteen chances to kill the enemy, every time we pull the trigger!

Kimball: Without our mercenaries bringing in supplies, we need to make every bullet count.

Doyle: Are you doubting my soldiers' skill in the battlefield?

Kimball: ...-_-... I am doubting so much more than that...

Doyle: Ms. Kimball, it has been over a month since we began this truce, and there has yet to be a single day where you have not tested its strength.

Kimball: Well, that's probably because I don't like you!

One: Guys... Enough, we're never going to get anything done if you both keep fighting...

Grif: Hey! We've got a problem!

One: ...-_-... Oh for the love of...

Doyle: Is it tan with a blue visor?

One: Stop it... What do you want, Grif?

Grif: Now, I'm what most people consider a hero, like a firefighter, or the guy who invented the microwave, or, uh, the Oreo dude.

Kimball: ... Okay?

Grif: So what I want to know, is why a hero, like myself, is not allowed to have second helpings in the mess hall!

The three of them just looked at him dumbfounded.

One: ...-_-... Are you fucking kidding me...

Doyle: Umm...because we're low on food.

Kimball: Oh, so you have the common sense to ration our meals, but not our ammo?

Doyle: That is hardly relev-

Kimball: Hardly relevant?!

Grif: Hey! I know you guys are having a hard time playing nice, but there are bigger things at stake right now.

Kimball: Get out.

Grif: Like steak, for instance.

Kimball: Get. Out.

Grif: We need bigger ones.

One: Grif, let me say this, in a way, you can understand. If you don't leave, I'll call Maine up here, and have him snap both your legs in half, like stale breadsticks!

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