Chapter 5 - A Clue!

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Brown's POV
Me and Red then went to Communications since he said he had downloads there. I pity the guy. Not only did one of his friends die right beside him, but he's also getting framed for it AND he still had to experience Black's wrath.

I gotta tell you, the dude needs anger management issues. But I also don't blame him. He's hurting and wants to do anything to avenge one of his friends.

"Do you think I killed him?" Red suddenly asked sadly while he was doing downloads. I sighed. "No." I answered. He turned to me confused. "Why not? Black is pretty much convinced that I did it and he's one of your friends. Don't you trust him?" He asked curiously.

"It's not that I don't trust him. Just because we're friends doesn't mean I have to back him up on everything even of he's wrong. Black can sometimes be blinded by his anger. He just lost his friend and well, everyone grieves differently. I know that Lime was also you're friend and that you're also grieving. My point is, we shouldn't direct our anger on someone else. Black is pretty terrible at doing that so let's just give him some slack." I told him as he softly nodded.

He soon finished download so we went to Admin to do his upload and card swipe.

Cyan's POV
We were now walking to Electrical because Orange and Blue told me they had tasks there. We went to the back of Electrical and as they started their tasks, I noticed a vent at the corner of it.

I then went towards it and inspected it. The vent had a very weird and specific built. For starters, it was to small to even fit a person! I mean, a baby or toddler could probably fit there but none of us could possibly fit there.

And then as for the slits it has to let the air in and out, it has a slanted structure and I assume only the ones inside the vent could actually peek in it because from my standpoint, my view is completely blocked. How convenient. I thought sarcastically.

Orange and Blue then called out to me, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Cyan! You okay?" Blue worriedly asked. I nodded at him but he didn't seem to buy it. "Blue's right. What's going on in that complicated mind of yours?" Orange asked.

"I'm fine guys." I assured them when suddenly I had an idea. "Say, do you guys mind if you join me to Admin? I just need to check something." I told them. Blue and Orange glanced at each other, unsure of what to say.

"Y-you're not going to kill us... are you?" Blue asked nervously. My eyes then widened. "NO! Of course not! No, no. I just had an idea and it'll keep my mind at piece." I assured them.

"You know you should just do your tasks so that we can just get out of here quickly." Orange told me. "But if I don't check my idea, we might just miss out on an opportunity on catching the killer and it'll bug me to no end. So please." I practically pleaded to orange. I even brought out my puppy dog eyes. Orange then turned around.

I took that as a sign that he won't budge. I sighed disappointedly. But then he cleared his throat and spoke. "Tch, fine. We'll go. We might as well since I have a task there." He said, not turning around.

Which brought us to now, with me dragging Blue and Orange to Admin. As Orange did a download and Blue tried to do the card swipe task, I was feeling around and searching underneath the table.

At on point in searching, I even ended up beneath Blue who just looked at me weirdly before proceeding to try to succeed in the task. As I searched even more underneath the table, I laid in the bottom of it, tired. I then laid my head on the floor hopelessly. So my hunch really was just it huh, a hunch.

As I tried to regain my breath my eyes fell on the walls as I saw a little gap in the corner of the wall. It wasn't noticeable because of the dusts and it looked like someone was trying to paint over it. I then slid out of underneath the table and crouched in fron of the gap.

As I removed the dusts covering it, it looked like a box. The gap was box-shaped. I then saw a deep dent that goes inwards. I grabbed it and slid it with much force as possible to reveal something. It was a map. A map of the whole spaceship.

It had red linings on some of the rooms that connect to other rooms

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It had red linings on some of the rooms that connect to other rooms. It must be where the vents lead! Some of them are connected to others while some had their own connections.

So this place is called the 'Skeld' huh? I then felt presence behind me to see Orange and Cyan looking at the map over my shoulder.

"So this is what you were looking for?" Orange asked. I nodded in response. "Yeah." I replied. "How did you know it was there or that it even existed." Cyan asked. "Well, I wasn't really looking for anything specifically. I was just looking for anything that can be a clue to this whole thing." I told him.

"And as for how I knew that it was here, well, I thought that it'll be sensible to put it here since this is where you get to see where people are." I told them as I gestured to the Admin table where you can see how many people are in a room but not who those people are. They nodded, understanding my explanation.

White's POV
I was finishing up on my task in reactor with Green behind me. I kept messing up and the system restarts itself. It's getting incredibly annoying.

As I finished I heard Green speak from behind me. "Hey uhh White?" He called out. "Yeah? What's wrong." I said as I finished my task and faced a worried Green. "W-we left Black in Security right?" Green said. I nodded in response.

He then chuckled nervously. "Heh, funny story, I checked while you were doing your task and... he wasn't there." He said. I dashed past him and checked Security room which was empty.

We soon dashed towards the button in cafeteria in hopes that it will teleport Black back to us, not knowing that we passed by our friend's rotting, decapitated corpse.

Before we can even hit the button, red lights and sirens sounded throughout the ship. I tried hitting the button but nothing happened.

I checked my tablet to see that the oxygen in the ship has been sabotaged and that we only have a couple more seconds to turn it off.

Well sh[bleep!]!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2021 ⏰

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