Chapter 3 - First Kill

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Purple's POV
As soon as I hit the button, everyone was then transported to the cafeteria and were sitting in the middle table. Everyone was looking around, amazed on what just happened.

"What happened? Why are we back here?" Green asked us. I nodded. "Well, Blue did something... It's bad." Yellow explained.

Blue looked down at his hands ashamed as Yellow comforted him telling him that it was okay (even though it wasn't) as Pink continued for me. "He broke a jar." She told them. "I still don't see why we're here." Orange told us. "It contained the virus that we 'captured' or so as we were told." I bluntly stated.

All heads then snapped to Blue's direction. "Hold on, you did WHAT?!" Red exclaimed as he stood up which blue flinched at. Yellow then walked over to Red and tried to calm him down. "Red, it's fine. He just-" "No it's not fine! Damn it! You do understand that that means that we're all in danger RIGHT?!"

"Yes, damn it!" Blue shouted while tears were flowing down his cheeks. He had this coming. He should've at least expected an outrage but I don't know why Red is wasting his time and is throwing a fit. The only logical thing to do now is to move forward and be cautious.

"Yes, I know that I just put us all in danger we might die because of this damn virus. That's why I even agreed to their plan to tell you guys even though I am dying of shame and embarrassment from what I did but that doesn't give you any right to yell at me like you're my boss or something. So sit your ass back down and let's figure out a plan." Blue then huffed back down after his fit leaving Red standing up stunned.

Before I had a chance to speak, White decided to say it for me. "I agree with that last part. We need to figure out how to deal with this so Red, sit down." Red did what he was told and Cyan decided to speak up. 

"Well, now that's done with, let's stick to our original plan. Let's stick together NO ONE is allowed to stray from the group. If they do, they'll be considered an imposter which is what we will call the person infected with the virus. We'll be carrying megaphones that I saw in the lobby so that whenever we hear that, we'll go straight back here, understood?" We all nodded at his plan.

We did as planned and from then on, we can only hope that everything goes as planned.

Green's POV
Me, Red and Lime then proceeded to Navigation to do our tasks. Red corrected the steering, Lime charted the course while I downloaded files. Then suddenly, the lights went off. I looked around and only saw darkness.

"Guys?" I called out. I started to look for the flashlight we got at the very beginning. I heard shuffling and metals clanging. Wait... metals clanging? Why would metals be clashing at each other at this kind of timing.

I stood still as to not bump into something. I heard someone groan before another series of clanging were heard until it finally stopped. I finally opened my flashlight but the lights were already fixed and never in my life would I ever think that I would ever see something like this.

White's POV
Me, Black and Brown are now back in Admin since they still had download while I still had the card swipe. If I'm correct, Cyan, Orange and Blue are nearby in Storage to help Blue finish his task there. Earlier, I also saw the girls go left to where the engines are while Lime, Green and Red went right.

As we went out Admin, we went to storage and saw Orange throwing out the trash as Blue and Cyan wait for him. Isn't throwing trash out on space dangerous? I thought. We went to the back of electrical and did our tasks when suddenly the door behind us closed and the lights flickered before completely going out.

Good thing, we were already in electrical otherwise, we would've had to wait for the doors to open again. They let me do the lights so that there won't be any problems opening it. As the lights finally opened, a blaring sound was made from, I'm assuming, a megaphone and with that, we were then teleported back to the cafeteria.

Cyan's POV
I looked around us after we were teleported back here. I looked at a petrified Green who was apparently the one who reported a body. (A/N: Just in case this wasn't established in the previous chapters, using a megaphone means that they reported a body while the button in cafeteria is for emergency meetings.)

My eyes then widened as I looked at an also petrified Red who was covered in a darker shade of red which I can only assume is blood.

"...Green, Red, what exactly happened?" Yellow asked slowly, afraid that she might frighten the man even more. Green looked at her with wide eyes, still shocked at what he saw.

"I- I don't know anymore! Th- the lights went out and the n- next thing I know, R- Red is standing over L- Lime's decapitated body, c- covered with b- blood!" Green stuttered.

"Well, isn't that convenient." Purple muttered but Pink nudged her to shut up. "Where exactly is everyone?" Orange asked.

"Hold up, why think this deeply when the murderer is standing there with evidence!" Black exclaimed. White tried to restrain him and calm him down. "Black, calm down. We shouldn't jump to conclusions, yes, he's covered in blood but he might've been framed." White tried to reason out.

"Like hell am I going to calm down! I arrived with Lime on this damn ship and now we can't even leave together! I don't even know how all of you are so calm! One of us just died! Even if you didn't know him that well, HE'S STILL HUMAN! WHAT IF IT WAS SOMEONE CLOSE TO YOU!" Black yelled.

"You think we don't know that?" Brown questioned. "If he's dead, he's dead." Purple stated and everyone just looked at her like she was insane. "Why you-" Black was about to yell at her before she cut him off.

"My point is, we can't bring back the dead. We can grieve him but not now. The best thing we could do now is honor him by figuring out who killed him and put a stop to them before they kill any more." Purple stated.

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