Chapter 2 - A Mistake That Changes Everything

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Yellow's POV
Purple, Pink and I decided to go to electrical since it was one of the tasks we had in common.

As we walked, I was happily skipping. I don't know why but it was always like me to be cheery. I feel like I have a responsibility on calming everyone down.

As we were about to enter electrical, we heard a loud shattering of glass. We looked at each other before racing to where the sound came from.

"No no no no no this cannot be happening." A voice said from the room we were going into. We went inside storage to see Blue looking down on a broken glass container.

"Blue! Are you okay? What happened? Where's Cyan and Orange?" Pink asked worriedly. Blue looked at her panicked.

"Th-they're in the reactor doing a task while I had one here. I was trying to see where I'm supposed to do my task. S-so I-I tried to look inside the boxes and saw the glass container with  a bright yellow blob floating inside of it.

I tried to put it back in but... I know this is gonna sound weird but it felt like it wanted to get out and tried to shake. It went out of my hands and broke and-and now that I think about it... it might've been the virus the voice told us about." Blue explained.

Purple groaned. "Now that it's out we have to find it." Pink grumbled.

"But how? I mean, it said that it can imitate its surroundings then maybe it already camouflaged." I asked.

"We need to tell the others so that they'll be on the look out for anything unusual." Purple stated. Blue hung his head in shame.

I came up to him and rubbed his back. It was unusual for him to be sad or down. "Don't worry. They'll know that it was an accident. They'll understand the situation and forgive you." I said as I gave him the happiest smile I can muster.

We walked to the cafeteria since Purple said she passed a button that might be an alarm button that might get the others to come to us.

As we walked, we passed by Brown who was doing his task in admin. He smiled at me as I smiled back at him as if to greet each other.

We sat in the cafeteria at the table in the middle. "A-are you guys sure this is the right call?" Blue asked. Pink looked at him confused.

"Well, do you have a better plan?" Purple asked him. Blue thought for a second before shutting up. "Purple, be nice." I told her. Purple furrowed her eyebrows.

"How was that rude? I was asking him if he had a better idea." Purple said blankly. I glared at her.

She shouldn't be that blunt. She could hurt someone's feelings if she continues her attitude. "Now, now, let's all calm down and remember the task at hand. You ready?" Pink asked him.

Blue shook his head 'no' but Pink giggled at him. "Too bad, let's do this. Purple?" Pink nodded at Purple signaling her to push it.

She took off the glass covering the button and pushed it.

Brown's POV
Black, White and I are at Admin trying to successfully slide our damn cards.

We keep repeating but it keeps denying it saying that it was 'too fast' or 'too slow' or most infuriating of all, 'bad read'.

White was sulking in the corner while Black was closed to punching the machine. Actually, he already punched the wall in frustration.

While Black was trying to figure out how fast the card should be, I checked out the Admin machine. It shows how many people are in a room tough it doesn't show who it was.

I heard a faint breaking of glass. I turned to the others. "Hey, did you hear that?" I asked. White looked at me confused while Black on the other hand was to busy to have heard my question.

"Hear what?" He asked. I looked back to the doorway. Maybe I was just imagining it. "Nothing. My brain might just be playing with me." I smiled.

White looked at me weirdly before shrugging and trying to calm Black and try to help him out.

"WHY WON'T THIS SCANNER F[bleep!]ING ACCEPT THE STUPID CARD!" Black screamed. White looked at him helplessly as he tried to calm him down. I was trying so hard not to laugh that I started to snicker at them. White gave me a look, basically telling me to stop.

I looked back to the Admin machine and saw that 4 people were in storage, 3 were in medbay and 2 in reactor.

Wait, weren't we paired in threes? Strange. Maybe they had similar tasks.

While White and Black were busy, I did my other task in admin which is to download data. I pushed the button but it keeps resetting so I decided to just hold the button and it worked!

But that also meant that I can't move at all and have to keep it pressed but it's fine. It's not like I'm going anywhere.

While I was doing my task, Blue, Pink, Yellow and Purple walked past me. I smiled at them in a acknowledgement.

Purple seemed to not have noticed me (or maybe just ignored me completely), Yellow smiled back at me, Pink avoided my eyes while Blue smiled nervously.

As they walked past me, I tilted my head. Huh, I wonder what they're up to. I peeked from the corner to see that they were having a conversation in the middle table of the cafeteria.

I shrugged and payed no mind in their conversation as the device dinged, alerting me that the download was complete.

I looked at my tablet to see that I need to then upload the data to navigation to complete the task. I looked back at White and Black as they cheered from behind me.

It looks like they finally figured out how to make the machine work.

"You guys figured it out?" White nodded 'yes' happily. They then proceeded to teach me how fast I should swipe my card. After a few tries, I finally did it. As soon as we finished in admin, a quick buzzer went off.

It happened so fast that the next thing I know, we were all suddenly in the middle of cafeteria sat together in the middle table.

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