Chapter 1 - Beginning of A New Start

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Red's POV
I woke up in what looks like a spaceship with no idea on where I was before nor how I got here. I unlatched my seatbelt and hopped off. I looked around to see that someone else was also here.

She was looking through the window with fascination. I watched as her eyes sparkled with interest.

I cleared my throat to announce my arrival. She looked away from the window and looked at me with a big smile.

"U-um hi... where are we?" Nice introduction Red, you didn't even ask her name. I mentally banged my head for my stupidity.

She somewhat saw my embarrassed face and giggled as she walked up to me.

"Hi! I'm Yellow. I don't really know where we are. I just know that I've been here for the past minutes or more." She said enthusiastically.

I chuckled nervously. "Well, I'm Red. Have you been here for long?" I asked. She shook her head no.

"I've probably been here for a few minutes. I can't really tell but did you see the outside?!" She exclaimed excitingly as she pulled my arm and dragged me back to the window she was.

She pointed at something outside. I couldn't see much. All I saw was darkness. But as I looked closer, I started to see rocks floating around outside.

I was in awe. Was this how the planets and moons were made? My thoughts were interrupted when someone cleared their throat behind us.

We looked behind us to see three other people. "I'm Blue, to my right is Orange and to my left is Cyan!" He said happily.

"Hi! I'm Yellow and this is Red!" Yellow said at the same tone. Oh boy, there's two of them.

I awkwardly waved at them. I was soon enveloped in a steel grip hug by blue.

It was so tight I don't think I can even survive it. "Blue let the poor man go." Cyan said from behind him. Blue soon released me.

"Cool!" Orange exclaimed. We turned around to see him with an egg on his head.

"What the-?" Cyan couldn't even finish his sentence as two people cuts him off.

"Ooohhh let me try!" Both Blue and Yellow exclaims as they rushed over to the laptop that Orange was using.

As they clicked through different buttons, different kinds of hats started to pop up on top of their heads.

"Oh! Look at this, I'm a lemon!" Yellow exclaims as a small leaf was on top of her head. Cyan and I can't help but chuckle and soon begin to join in on the fun.

As we were scrolling through hats, two other people were suddenly added to the ship. "What the-" one of them said as they hopped off the chair.

"Who are you guys?"

We soon began our introductions. The new arrivals, Green and Pink, have the same stories as the rest of us. They don't know how they got there.

I wonder who pilots the ship. A couple of hours of chatting and introductions on newly arrived members, we were soon met with a robotic voice.

"Greetings." It said. We looked at a screen at the front of the ship where there it did say 'greetings'.

"I know that many of you are confused on who I am. But let's focus on who you are. You are crew members of this ship. You have been revived from your expedition on asteroid 260207." We all gasped at this revelation. What the hell happened? How?

"An explosion occurred as you encountered a virus of some sorts. Thankfully, you have contained it. It is now stored on one of the rooms in the ship and must be taken back to the HQ where you will be experimenting on it and try to understand what exactly it is." It explained.

"I shall not go into the details of your arrival but rather talk about the virus. Asteroid 260207 is one of the largest asteroid yet to be found. Your team has decided to explore it and research it for more data.

As you wandered, you have uncovered moving rocks. Not just any other rocks floating around. It seemed to take form of the rocks around it and walking. Your team has decided to capture the being. Doing that kind of task was proven difficult.

It was sneaky, smart and somewhat persuasive. Persuasive how? In the form of the rock according to the recordings from your suits, it can talk.

Its persuasion techniques on refusing to get captured was, well, weak in the form of the rock. But if you try to imagine it as somewhat like us, it might just be able to persuade any other human being.

Be careful not to break the container containing the virus. As you have seen, it can imitate the things around it. It would be very troublesome for it to get out and put it back in. That is all for now." It said before the screen turns off.

We were stunned on what we just learned. "Okay what the f[bleep!] was that?" Black exclaimed.

"Okay, to recap, we're researchers, we found a virus that can imitate the things around it and it's now contained inside a, most likely, vulnerable container." Lime summarized.

Even Yellow and Blue can't even say anything. "So what now? Are we just going to wait here for the ship to land?" White asked.

Suddenly, an alarm was set off. The screen lit up again. "It seems that the ship has bumped into a small asteroid and damaged the ship's systems and has to be manually fixed. Please retrieve your tablet from your pockets to review your tasks. That is all, thank you." It said.

We reached into our pockets and pulled out a narrow white rectangular plastic with a button.

We pushed the button. It turned on for it to reveal that it was part of a holographic tablet.

"Okay everyone," I started off, catching everyone else's attention. "We should partner up into teams of 3 so that we can cover the grounds much faster." I explained. Purple nodded her head in agreement.

"Okay then, we girls will stick together!" Yellow exclaimed excitingly as she puts her arms around Purple and Pink.

"Cyan, Orange and I will stick together." Blue informed us.

"I'm sticking with White and Black." Brown said as he smiled.

I nodded then looked at the last two people with no groups. "Well then, that leaves me with Green and Red!" Lime exclaimed happily.

The door opened to reveal the rest of the ship and let me tell you, IT IS HUGE!

"Well let's go!" I told them. We'll just need to fix the ship then go home. What could go wrong?

A/N: First chapter done! If you guys like this please do press vote!

Shameless self-promotion :p
If you guys like reading Mycroft Holmes fanfictions or Mafia stories, check out my other account (which I am currently locked out from because wattpad is being a b[bleep!] and won't let me get in my account) FfayeryUwU.

See you in the next chapter!

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