chapter 2

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"M!!" Evie yelled when she reached near her surrogate sister who was lying in Ben's arms.
"Mal, wake up honey, please wake up" Ben urged his unconscious purple headed fairy, who he loved the most. Ben had tears running down his cheeks, frightened for the fate of his fiancee.

"Ben check for her pulse" jay said while Ben nodded and checked it. He found it but it was slow, and by slow I mean really slow.
"Its slow, we have to take her inside, I'm carrying her. Jay can you carry Audrey in. She might have the same fate as my fairy" Ben said with tears.
Jay nodded and went off to carry the former queen of mean, while Ben carrying mal run towards the palace. The others behind her.
Upon entering they were greeted by the gasps of the heroes(I mean royals, all royals, who were there for meeting about the situation) along with the castle staffs.
Without wasting further time, they cleared off the part, Ben carried his unconscious fairy towards the castle infirmary, with jay carrying Audrey behind them.
The doctors upon seeing the patient in the king's arm gasped loudly .
"Give her the sedative" one of the doctors ordered.
Fee minutes of waiting later, mal was given the sedative by the castle doctor, who went to find the other specialists to handle the future queen's case.
Suddenly, mal woke up and screamed.
And started to hyperventilate, Ben being near her along with Evie started to calm her down.
As she was a little calm, Ben trued to hold her consciousness, but to no avail.
"Be--nn find my father and st-e-ep mom..or--r everything will be..." She tried to say but faded to unconsciousness.
"Mal, wake up. Princess, please" Ben pleaded with his unconscious fiancees body but nothing happened.

But nothing happen. There is only one way now, us to find her dad and step mom. He thought.

But who are they?!

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