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i'm sat in the deans office, of this fine college that i was lucky enough to be able to pay for. and my mum is talking mr. tolkson trying to convince him to let me have a dorm with another boy.

"my most sincere apologies, mrs. hemmings, but your... son, can not share a dorm with one of our male students." deep down i'm fuming. wishing i could put my fist through his face at this exact moment.

"my son is male, mr, tolkson, you have his birth certificate, his gender marker was changed to 'm'. you-" i rest my hand on her arm, to stop her before i lose my place in the college.

"ma'am, your child will either have to share a dorm with one of the female students here, or it will have find somewhere else to stay."
i felt my heart drop as the word 'it' rolls off his tongue as if it were nothing to him. he just referred to me as an inanimate object.

the chair scrapes as i stand up. slightly leaning over the desk, a hardened expression takes over my features. "i, sir, am a human being." my voice gives out on the last word and with a swift motion i turn around, exiting the room, to spare my mother and that asshole the sight of my tears.

i stride quickly down the hallways, not really knowing exactly where i'm headed to. furiously wiping my tears, i run into someone, the both of us crashing to the ground. trying to pick myself up and apologize at the same time, i notice the boy has a lovely shade of pastel pink in his hair.

"i'm so sorry, god i'm such a-" my hand slips out from underneath me and i faceplant into the carpet beneath me. i quickly feel two warm hands wrap around me lower torso and i want to squirm out of his grip, what if he feels my binder...

"are you okay?" he asks me as he sits me up against the wall. my cheeks flame as i look in his eyes for the first time, my heart rate quickening. god, he's beautiful. i go to try and stand up but he keeps me on the ground, "you were crying. why?"

"the dean's an asshole." i grumble. adverting my eyes from his. a low chuckle escapes his lips.

"so my dad's being an dick, what's new?" my eyes widen. "woah hey, don't worry about it. what did he do?" i decide to tell him only half the truth.

"he won't let me live in the dorms here." he nods slowly.

"then it's settled, you and i will share a dorm. now if you'll excuse me i'm going to tell my dad off and then when i come back i'll help
you move your stuff into the room. no arguments." wait, what?

"are you serious?" he smiles, big.

"no, i'm michael." wow, smooth. "now i'll be right back okay?"

"no wait-"

"luke? luke honey where are you?" my mom searches around until her eyes meet mine, i'm still sitting on the floor. she runs over to me, resting her hand on my cheek. "ohmygod, are you okay baby? what happened?"

"i'm fine mum, just being clumsy." her eyes travel from mine to michael's. "and who might you be?" she questions him.

"you must be mrs..." he turns to me whispering. "whats your last name?" he asks, never breaking eye contact with my mum. "hemmings." i whisper back to him. "hemmings! i'm michael, it's a pleasure to meet you, i'm lukes new roommate." he extends a hand to her, his smile never faltered once.

"roommate?" she questions. "but i thought-"

"michael here, decided that him and myself will share a dorm." i suppress her confusion.

"and my dad's the dean, so it won't be an issue." michael adds.

i rise to my feet and brush off my pants and shirt. "michael, just don't ask him why he wouldn't let me okay? that's personal information."

he puts a hand on my shoulder, "it's no problem bud, i won't say a word."

i nod with a small smile, as to say thank you.

"well, pretty boy, lets go get your stuff and get you settled in." he smiled, big.


when we got settled in the dorm i kissed my mom on the cheek and said goodbye. she made me promise to call her at least once a week, no parties and to study hard.

"mum, i know what to do. you don't have to worry about me." she nodded, wiping a tear from her cheek. "it's okay" i reassured her. she finally left and i let out a sigh of relief.

"ah, the motherly tears of sending their kids off to collage. take a walk down the hallway today and you'll see that about 5 more times." michael says from his bed. i chuckle.

"i bet i would michael." i say with a laugh. he just smiles.

i get all my stuff set up and put away on my side of the room, even my one direction poster. michael looks up from his phone, raising an eyebrow. "really luke, one direction?" i turn around to look him dead in the eye, all seriousness.

"yes really, don't judge me man" he puts his hands up in defence.

"judge free zone over here." i nod in approvement.

i finish getting my side of the room ready and i plop down on my bed, unlocking my phone. i text my older brother ashton to tell him that i'm all settled in and he immediately texts back.

ashton: thats great little bro!

luke: thanks man :)

ashton: if you ever need any help or advice just text or call me. and if you have any issues or anyones giving you shit for the transgender thing you let me know who i need to beat the shit out of, love you little brother.

luke: will do ash, love you too. and don't worry about me, i should be fine.

he read the text but didn't reply.

i look up, "hey michael?" i say.

"yeah?" i bite my lip.

"do you think we're gonna be good friends?" he smiles and nods.

"yeah i do think so luke, amazing friends."

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