Baby Kageyama

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⚠ Warning ⚠
This contains Kageyama as a baby.

Tsukishima's pov

I'm in the kitchen now making breakfast for me and a small child who woke up beside me... I remember last night me and Kageyama were in his house doing the ✨ahem✨. This morning I woke up and saw a dark blueberry hair kid cuddling in my chest and here we are.

I observed him, he has dark blue eyes like Kags but bigger. He was drinking his milk like usual but somehow I find it cute. After he finish his milk, he walked up to me and ask for more. Of course I said no. I mean he's gonna be real mad if his milk disappearand since he probably won't remember a single thing. He threw a tantrum but it didn't last long. I carried him to the bedroom and find some baby clothes or smaller clothes that fits him. And to my surprise I found a real cute outfit that'll suit on him well. (It looks like that.)

We went to the park and met Hinata there

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We went to the park and met Hinata there. Hinata saw Kags and wanted to carry him but got rejected. Kags quickly ran to me crying once he saw Hinata come over. I carried him up and laughed at the short tangerine when Kags said that he was a scary tangerine. We also went  to have ice cream. I only bought one for Kags because I'm sure he won't be able to finish it on his own. He was eating the ice cream until his face was messy. I helped him to wipe off the ice cream, he smiled at me (in a non creepy way obviously), I can say I was ready to go to heaven already. He also asked if I wanted some and I did. He looks happy when I accepted it. He gave me a smooch on my cheeks. Oh my god this is precious. We continued our walk and went back home.

We took a bath and he wanted to play with water so I left him in the tub and went to make dinner. I went back upstairs and saw him still playing with the water. I played with him which got my shirt wet.. I carried him out of the bath and dried him. Put him in a cute dino pj 👀 and bring him downstairs. We ate dinner and of course I let him drink milk before sleeping. 

Next morning

Kageyama's pov

I woke up cuddling next to the taller person, forgetting what happened yesterday. I saw the dino pj on me.. I think I ripped it? It was very small like a kid's pj... What if... I turned into a kid! I slowly get up from the bed, heading towards the bathroom. 'Nice ass king.' I quickly ran into the bathroom embarassed. I heard him chuckled. 

Tsukishima's pov

Looks like the king is back to normal. Guess there's some explaining I need to do now...

Sorry it took so long... I have no motivation nor ideas but here's a cute one. Enjoy~

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