Birthday surprise

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Tsukishima's birthday~ 09/27
Kageyama's pov

My lover's birthday is coming up soon. I haven't really know what to get him yet... Oh well, I gotta ask Yamaguchi about it.


'Hey Yams... Can you come with me real quick?' I asked trying to avoid Tsuki's eyes. 'Sure, see you later Tsuki.' We walked to the school fountain and sat on one of the benches. 'It's about Tsuki's birthday, isn't it?' he asked while I nodded in reply. Yamaguchi sighed and said, 'Tsuki never really celebrate his birthday. Usually his mum would be too busy and his brother would always be out with his friends. I celebrated some with him but sometimes I'm also busy...' I looked kinda down since Tsuki doesn't really celebrate his birthday. Therefore, I plan to make a mind-blowing birthday for him. 'Other than strawberry shortcake and dinasours, what else does he likes?'I asked him since he knew way much about Tsuki. 'You.' Yams said calmly. There was a quite a silence until I yelled, 'Hah??!' He just looked at me with a smile. 'Are you sure there's nothing else other than those?!' I shook him by the shoulder. 'I-I swear there's n-nothing else... I'm about to p-puke so stop.' he stuttered out probably starting to get dizzy.

'What's going on here?' I heard Tsukishima walking towards us. 'Nothing important. Just wanted to know more about you...' 'You could've just asked me darling.' 'I know but it's embarrassing since I'm you lover and I don't know much about you...' I said hiding my face in his chest. He hugged back.

'Ahem... I'm still here so can you guys do your sappy stuff at home?' Yamaguchi broke the silence. 'Shut up Yamaguchi.''Sorry Tsuki~' Tsukishima gave a death glare at Yamaguchi while he just smiled it off and slowly backed away. 'I'll write a list of things about me when we get home, so don't worry.'


Tomorrow is his birthday... Arghhh I still haven't decide the perfect present for him. I suddenly have an idea but it's kinda dumb... Gotta ask Yams to help me... I went to my phone and texted Yams about my plans. He agreed so now I just gotta find all the materials.

Today's the day. I woke up early and quickly bake a strawberry shortcake. While the cake was in the oven, I went to set up the box which was going to be sent to Tsuki. Inside there is a lot of dinasour plushie and some specific things that are a secret.

The cake was out of the oven and I started to decorate it. I put it in a box that can place cakes inside(I forgot what it's called but whatever.) I called Yams over as I went into the box and sit in there. Yams helped me to deal the box and we went to Tsuki's house. Kuroo and Bokuto decided to help him throw a party so a lot if people were there.

We arrived there and Yams carried the box which I was asleep in. He gave it to Tsuki and asked him to open it now and so he did. Everyone came crowding around since it was a big present. (Yams already put the cake I baked in the refrigerator) Tsuki opened up the present and saw a person inside cuddling with one of the plushie. Everyone was in awe as Tsuki carried me out of the box.

I woke up while Tsuki was carrying me up. I looked at him and nuzzled into his chest while clenching my first on his shirt as I hide my blushing face. 'Happy Birthday' I whispered as he kissed my cheeks.

I actually thought I wouldn't make it in time but I did it~ Happy birthday to my first favourite character!!

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