I love spending time with you❤️

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Kagehina angst at first and the rest are fluff.
And please don't hate on Suga.. It's just a story. Although without Suga there won't be Tsukikage.
Third person's pov

This takes back to their first year, before Kageyama and Hinata broke up with each other. The whole team knows about their relationship and Sugawara was very overprotective over Hinata. Even if Kageyama wanted to hug him, Suga would push him away and said not to touch Hinata. Of course Kageyama was sad but what can he do? He can't go against his senior, especially when he gave him his position. And so, the time they had together was very less. It was mostly just recess and after school. Sometimes after practice, Hinata was forced to walk home with the rest while Kageyama and a few others had to clean up. And if it was Hinata who had clean-up duty, Kageyama is not allowed to wait for him.


'I need a break from our relationship.' Kageyama said finally not being able to bear the pain from his heart. Hinata was shocked, tears rolling down his cheeks. Suga saw them and quickly ran over to  them, pushing Kageyama to the floor while hugging Hinata who was crying. 'What the hell Kageyama! I thought I told you not to break his heart!' Sugawara scolded. Kageyama just silently sat on the floor taking in all of Sugawara's scolding. Yamaguchi looked at Tsukishima who was watching the situation uncomfortably. Yamaguchi saw that there's no hope and looked back down to the ground.

'What do you even want him to do?' Someone yelled acrossed the gym. Sugawara turned over to the person who yelled. 'Keep your own business in your pants Tsukishima, this is not your business.' ' It's not yours either. That is not your relationship.' 'Well this is my son.' 'Yea. Your pretend son, your so called overprotectiveness has led their relationship to an end.' 'I don't see a problem in me, the only one who has a problem is Kageyama!' Tsukishima and Sugawara continued to argue, the rest watching them with no courage to stop them, Hinata still crying and Kageyama biting his lips.

'Alright! That's enough! Despite a break, I want to end this relationship.' Kageyama yelled making everyone stood there in shock more than they ever could. 'You take that back and apologize to Shoyo.' Sugawara said with anger. 'Apologize? What for? I didn't do anything wrong to apologize for.' 'What is your problem? You suddenly want to cut ties with Shoyo for no reason?' 'You're the reason! You don't even let me do anything with him! I didn't even get the time to spend with him. Don't talk about kissing, HELL did we even hold hands nor walk back home together. You're the one who brought this relationship to an end, so what's wrong with ending it straight away?' Kageyama yelled back leaving the gyms with tears dripping off his face. Tsukishima didn't waste any time and quickly followed Kageyama. He ran out holding his middle finger up high so that they can see it.

Tsukishima lost track of Kageyama and decided to search for his most visited place in school. It'll be either the rooftop or anywhere on the tree near the gym. Tsukishima went to look for him at the trees 'cause he can't be that far right? Tsukishima found Kageyama on one of the tree behind the gym.

'Why are you here? How did you find me?' Kageyama said facing away from Tsukishima. 'It's obvious that you'll come here. Plus, don't you always come here to avoid stuff happening?' Tsukishima said sternly. Kageyama turned to long at him and pause for a few seconds and turn back to the other side again. 'You wanna talk about it?' 'You don't look like the type of person to listen to people though.' 'Im sorry that I couldn't reach your expectations ,your majesty.' Tsukishima said trying to tease him. 'I'm not in the mood for nicknames now..' 'Oh uhm sorry.' ' Nah it's fine... Can I uhm.. get a hug?' 'Sure. But you gotta come down.' 'I know, I'm not that dumb' Kageyama got down from the tree and hugged Tsukishima while trying to hold his tears. 'Let them out, I won't mind.' Tsukishima said, trying to give him more safety. Kageyama grabbed hold of Tsukishima's shirt and starting sobbing uncontrollably.

Just then, Hinata came by. He saw Kageyama crying in Tsukishima's arm. He must admit, he felt heartbroken when he sees his boyfriend- no, ex, breaking down in someone else's arm. 'I guess there's no point in getting back what's not mine anymore...' Hinata murmured and walked back to the gym.


Kageyama and Tsukishima were hanging out at Kageyama's house since Kageyama's parents weren't home yet and his sister was out of the country. Tsukishima has been teaching Kageyama ever since Kageyama and Hinata broke up. To his surprise, Kageyama's grades went up faster than he could ever expected. His grades were better than the shrimp's and he didn't have any fails for the first time.


Time passed by and the both of them have been spending lots of time together. In other words, Kageyama has already moved on but on the other hand, Hinata was still having a hard time moving on, he blamed it all on himself even though Sugawara told him that it was all his fault for being an obstacle in their relationship.

Tsukishima and Kageyama were strolling on the beach, enjoying the sunset. Tsukishima seems nervous because he wanted to confess. Kageyama too. Therefore, Kageyama decided to take the first move. He grabbed Tsukishima's hand and hold them tightly. Tsukishima looked at him, both of their faces filled with light shades of red. They didn't let go, instead they held hands until Tsukishima stopped walking. 'W-what's wrong?' Kageyama stuttered out. 'I just wanna tell you that I enjoyed every minute spent together with you and I like you...' Tsukishima said whispering the last few words loud enough to make Kageyama hear them. Kageyama looked at the ground with his face red as a tomato. 'I-I like you too. I loved all the time we've spent together..' ' So were dating now?' ' Y-yea..' Kageyama answered with his face more redder than before if it was possible.

They shared a kiss and parted after a few seconds. 'Should we tell the team?' Kageyama asked feeling a bit insecure. 'We can tell them if you're ready or if they would be too dumb to notice.' Tsukishima answered hugging Kageyama to make him feel secured. 'I love spending time with you, my blueberry.' 'Me too, mister salt.'

Yay! Another story done!
Just a reminder, I'm taking requests now cuz my brain decided to not cooperate with me. Therefore, requests are open and I might take some time to finish them due to my tests.
Oh and I might try sticking to one pov in each stories cuz I'm afraid I might confuse y'all.

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