2. smoke

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-prompt by XunHii-

!mention of cigarettes!

You stood behind Joji as he pushed the doorbell to your friend's house. You could see the multicolored lights strobing as the loud bass vibrate the ground. "Joji! Y/N!" his friend greeted, he shakes Joji and your hand, "what made you come so late? did something else before coming here?" your friend teased, he ushers you to come in.

The house was packed with new and familiar faces drinking and dancing their night away. You felt slightly off about how obnoxiously loud and sweaty the ambiance of the party was.

Joji looked down on his phone then at you, "Brian said he'd be over there" you hold hands as he led the way to the back, pushing the crowd away for you as he did.

"Hey!" Brian calls out, he stood up from the couch he was initially sitting on, beside him is his girlfriend, Van, she looks bubbly and soft, her makeup matches her outfit too.

You walk towards him, greeting the two with smiles and a hug, "missed ya, shortie" Brian said as he scuffs your head.

The four of you sat closely from one another, Joji, Brian, and Van told stories and caught up with each other. After a while, you felt left out. Partying was not precisely your mood for that night.

Joji glances at you, his laughter turned to a look of worry, "what's wrong, babe?" he whispers as he pushed your hair to the back of your ear "do you wanna go around?" he said circling his index finger.

"I don't know anyone here, baby" you frown. "Do you want—"

"Hey!" Brian suddenly exclaimed, he shot his hand up and waved it. "Over here, bro"

You see your ex walkout from the house towards you. Joji looks at you with a sinister look, he sees your face drop.

"My boy!" he said shaking hands with him

"He's producing some of my songs for the next album, he makes fucking sick beats," Brian says,

Your ex looks at Joji, "and you must be Joji, nice to meet you" he gives him a firm handshake.

"This is my girlfriend, y/n" Joji introduces

"Long time no see, y/n" his excited smile shifted to a warm one as he looks at you, he pulled you in for an embrace. "So, how are you enjoying the party?"

"It's fun"

"It's pretty boring"

You and Joji said in unison, Brian breaths in.

"Oh alright, we're having different responses here" he chuckled awkwardly. He reached in the back of his pocket to pull a pack of Marlboro, "smoke?"

Brian stands to take a stick, "Joji doesn't smoke anymore" he says

"What about y/n? do you still smoke?"

"Oh n-not really, I—"

Joji looked at you with the fakest smile he could muster, "oh you can have one if you please".

"Alright" he extends his arm to you to hand apiece. You place it in between your lips. With a lighter on one hand and then using the other as cover, you tried to ignite a flame but the wind blew too strong.

"Here let me" your ex offers, he leaned down closer to you, he places the tip of his lit cigarette from his mouth onto yours. "Do you got it?"

"Yup, thanks," you said as you breathe out.

"Yo, did you know that this was her favorite way of lighting up a cigarette" he chuckled, pointing his fingers with a stick in between to you? "She thinks it's sweet, do you still smoke as heavy as you did?" your ex asks.

"No, I stopped when Joji did, this one is my first in a while"

"Oh is it?" he says, acting surprised "You know I want to quit too, I just can't seem to stop, y'know? There's something about it that makes me want to... have more"

The three of you fell silent, it was obvious he wants more time with you alone, "So, like... what did you have to do?" his eye contact remains attached to you.

"Oh, well," Joji says," You just gotta fucking stop, man," he places an arm around you. "Though, I kinda miss the taste of it sometimes" he looks over to you "would you mind giving me a taste, y/n?"

You smile, "anything for my baby, of course," you both come closer for a kiss. He brings his finger to your chin to subtly tilt it up, his tongue slowly slides in yours, swirling it around to have your full taste.

He breaks away from the kiss, "I'll be fucking you so hard tonight" he whispers. He looks back to your ex with a smirk plastered on his face, "We'll if it tastes and feels like that, I might just go back again"

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