Chapter 1

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[Tommy's POV]

The snow crunches under my feet as I left Snowchester, feet still sinking through every step as I longed to be out of this godforsaken snow.

I was nearing the end of the biome when I heard something fall to the left of me. I quickly drew my sword, pointing it in the direction of the noise. After a few seconds of silence, I walked in the direction of the sound.

I peered behind a tree to see a small brown and blue ball on the floor. I waited to see if it would move, but the only movement coming from it was the small rise and fall of the blue bit.

'Is it breathing?'

I walked further towards the thing on the floor, the closer I got, the more of it I could see.

Once I was close enough I could see the ball looked more like...

...a kid?


[Niki's POV]

The nuclear assassination was a total bust, if I had been a little quicker everything would be so different. We would've finally gotten what we wanted and no one would have to deal with Tommy anymore.

Jack wasn't pleased either, he's been trying to get closer to Tommy by himself but that's been difficult considering Tommy hasn't been around very often. He's constantly been at his house and I think he's starting to get suspicious of Jack.

I passed by Tommy's house thinking to myself, before losing my train of thought to none other than Tommy himself.


I turned to the entrance of Tommy's house to see him struggling to close a door behind him as he ran towards me.

"Tommy? What's wrong?" I asked sounding sincere, which wasn't completely fake. I was curious on what he was so concerned about.

"Niki listen to me, I need your help but you have to promise me you won't tell anyone about this alright?" Tommy asked, he wasn't as panicked now but he did seem like he needed to be back to something, quickly.

"Yeah, I promise. What's wrong?"

Before I could get a response he dragged me inside and brought me to a back door in his house that I don't remember being there before.

He let go of my wrist, looking at me for a second before looking back at the door and opening it.

Inside was a cobblestone room with a singular bed, multiple bookshelves, and a jukebox. What I didn't notice at first was a child sat next to the jukebox reading a book. The child had short dark brown hair that looked a little longer than Tubbo's, big blue eyes, a large dark blue T-shirt, light brown shorts, and worn out brown shoes.

"Hey kid?" Tommy called into the room using a much softer tone than I had ever heard him use before, the kid looked up immediately.

"Tommy!" They ran up from the floor where they had been sitting and ran to Tommy, throwing themselves into his legs to hug him.

I stood there, shocked.

'Where did Tommy get a kid from?"

"How long have they been here?'

'Why did he make me promise not to tell anyone about them.'

I looked between Tommy and the child that stood at his feet.

Tommy smiled at the kid before bending down to pick them up. The child fully allowed him to pick them up before Tommy turned to me.

"Niki, this is Eden."

"That's Niki?" Eden asked Tommy, still in his arms. He nodded before the child looked from Tommy back at me.

"She's so pretty!"

My heart melted right there. I wasn't sure where this kid come from, but this was the most adorable child I had ever seen.

Eden waved at me, smiling, obviously very happy. I gave them a small wave back as Tommy walked further into the room Eden was in. He looked back, signaling me to come in and I did, carefully shutting the door behind me.

Tommy set Eden down and they went back to look through the book they had been reading when we walked. I only now saw the title of the book, 'L'manburg'.

Tommy sat down on the bed in the room as I went to sit next to him.

"How- where did they even come from?" I questioned Tommy after a long pause.

"I found them." He responded, watching Eden flip through the pages in their book on the floor.

" I was coming back from visiting Tubbo in Snowchester when I found them passed out in the snow, so... I took them in. I have no clue where they came from and they don't remember so I just- keep them here, out of harms way."

Tommy looked back at me, looking the most mature I had ever seen him being. Before Tommy could continue, Eden had found something in their book.

"It is Niki! They shouted opening their book fully and facing it towards us. It was flipped to a specific page with an old picture I didn't immediately recognize

 It was flipped to a specific page with an old picture I didn't immediately recognize

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