Chapter 6

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Possible Tw: eating
[Eden POV]

I spent the rest of that day with Sam back at his house, it was quite far away and took neather travel to get there. I don't like the neather very much. it's not the fire or lava that bothers me however, I just hate the nausea and confusion I get going through the portal.

Sam's house is nice thought. It has a really cool redstone door. Sam actually explained how all the red stone mechanisms in his house work to me. He said he'll teach me how to make them one day.

Tommy came by to get me that night when I was playing with Fran.

The trip home was pretty normal but Tommy seems to really not like lava, I'm not sure why but I had to drag him down the path as he stared down at it for a bit to long.


I opened my door and went to find Tommy the next morning. I had just finished feeding Henry as I left.

I grabbed some bread and sat on the floor in the chest room.

'Go to that place, bottom chest to the door.'

Dream's words played back through my mind as I ate.

The book was under my bed, it had directions to an old house build into a hill to the right of Tommy's house.

I'm not sure why he gave me that. Hell, I don't even know what's in the chest or if it's safe.

I hadn't told Tommy either.

Maybe I should.


Speakinf of Tommy , I heard him call my name from downstairs.

"Coming!" I shouted, scarfing down the rest of my bread and heading downstairs.

Tommy was putting carrots away, presumably ones he just picked.

"You wanna hang out with Puffy today? I know you hung out with Sam yesterday but I got some stuff I gotta help Sam Nook and Tubbo with this morning." Tommy explained one he noticed me standing on the stairs.

"Yeah!" I got excited. Puffy had been the only other person I'd met in my first two weeks here, besides Sam and Tommy of course.

"Good, go put your shoes on she should be here soon." Tommy said as he started heading upstairs with me.

I happily ran up the stairs and ran to my room, slipping on my worn out brown sneakers and hugging Henry.

Tommy opened my door when I finished telling Henry bye and laying out his food.

"Hey Eden, I'm sorry I've been busy the past couple days. I promise I'll find something for us to do soon alright?" Tommy crouched down in front of me again, as he does pretty much every time he talks to me.

I only hugged him as a response. I knew he meant well and I wasn't upset with him for having things to do, plus hanging out with Sam and Puffy is more fun than staying at the house all day.

Tommy picked me up and smiled at me as he heading to the door were Puffy was.

"Hey Kiddo!" Puffy called to me as we entered the room.

"Hi Puffy!" I called back as Tommy handed me over to her.

Puffy ruffled my hair and held me at her side, turning to Tommy.

"Your sure you'll be okay with me taking them today?" Puffy clarified with Tommy much as Sam had done yesterday.

"Yeah just keep them away from wrongen's."

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