Chapter 14

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An: Hello everyone it's update time!!! Also we hit 20k reads, which first off THANK YOU HOLY CRAP! And I have a 20k special chapter in the works that should be uploaded either today or tomorrow.  My apologies for this chapter being more on the shorter side, like I said I'll be updating a multiple times today. So thank you again for 20k it's genuinely amazing and enjoy the chapter!

[Third person POV]

Eden and Phil reached the end of the land leading to the ocean.

Phil paused before continuing.

"Eden come over here."

Eden ran over to him and crouched down beside the water.

"You see that stone structure down there?" They nodded. "And that hole, right there. That's where we enter from-"

Before he could finish Eden dived into the water, sending Phil into a panic and him diving down after them.

Once underwater he noticed Eden swam incredibly well. When a fish swam past them and they laughed underwater, he panicked.

His panic was futile however for they seemed perfectly fine.

Their normally fluffy hair floated above its normal height, revealing ears that had the structure of fish fins.

Eden went through the underwater entrance for the stronghold, Phil following close behind.

Eden was already stood in the hall of the stronghold, out of reach of the water.

Once Phil exited the water, he faced the child that stood before him.

"You can breath underwater?"

"You can't?" Was Eden's only response accompanied by a laugh.

"No- Are you used to being around people with that ability?"

"I mean I guess, my mother could and she's really all I remember before meeting Tommy."

Phil started walking to the meeting room, Eden walking beside him.

After a few seconds of silence, Phil brought up something that had been lingering on his mind.

"Eden, what do you know about your parents?"


"You said your mother was the only thing you could actually remember before arriving at the SMP."

"Oh- umm."

They looked to the floor, their eyes furrowing in deep thought. Phil continued walking though the stronghold, keeping pace with the young child as they pondered their answer.

"Well I know my mom yeah, I've never actually met my dad before. Mama always said one day we'd go see him, along with my older brother. But- I um..... after a little while it gets really fuzzy and hurts my head to try and recall."

Phil looked down at Eden, sympathy laced his eyes. He didn't want to bring up potential suppressed trauma for them but he needed confirmation on his suspicion.

"That's alright, don't hurt yourself trying to remember."

Eden nodded not realizing the gravity of all the questions being asked.

"One last question. Your mother, what was her name?"


[Third Person POV]


Eden called out for the man, walking to where they'd last seen him.

"Yeah mate?" Phil emerged from behind a warped tree, having collected enough wood for his building plan.

"Can we go back now? We have everything we need right?"

"Yeah sure we can head back now."

Phil had needed Warped wood from the nether to complete his build, along with stacks of black stone. He brought Eden with him so he didn't have to leave them at the house, unaware of their slight inability to handle heat.

Phil walked across the bridges that spread all across the nether, meeting at the community portal.

However he was heading right back to the portal they had entered from, the one closest to his and Techno's residence.

Eden had tried to stay at Phil's pace but the growing nausea caused them to stubble beside the edge.

Out of instinct Phil turned around in the direction of the child, adrenaline kicking in when he saw them about to fall over the edge.

Swiftly grabbing a hold of them he had now stopped his pursuit back home.

He steadied them in the middle of the bridge, his hands on each of their shoulders.

They had their hands on either side of their head, their eyes barely open.

Quickly Phil remembered their encounter earlier that day.

'They're part nymph you idiot, why would you bring them to the nether?!'

Mentally scolding himself Phil picked Eden up and hurried through the the portal. 

Placing them back on the ground once entering the overworld.

They blinked their eyes open till they could open them fully. Steadying themselves as to not fall over.

"You alright mate?"
Phil asked, crouched down in front of them.

"Yeah- yeah I'm okay. I was just a little dizzy, but I'm alright now."

Sighing Phil stood.

"I'm sorry Eden, I shouldn't have taken you to the nether. But next time that happens you need to tell me before you end up almost falling."

Eden chuckled at Phils dad type scolding.

"Okay Phil!"

Eden then started running in the direction of the houses, Phil following close behind.

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