Chapter 2

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Tw: Swearing
[Niki's POV]
Tommy and I were standing in the front room of his house as we talked about the situation he was in.

"I didn't know what to do with them and I didn't want them to just be sat in a fuckin' empty room so I went through the rubble of L'manburg to try and find any of the old history books and see if they survived the explosion, I only found one, which wasn't even in L'manburg it was in one of the old chests here. And it only goes to the end of the revolution war." Tommy rambled, pacing the room.

"If you want I could try and rewrite the rest of the history books so they can read them?" I suggested.

Tommy stopped pacing and looked at me.


"Yeah, I used to read them all the time and I have most of them memorized. Only if you want me to though. I don't know exactly how much of the history you want them to know."

"It's fine. They are really interested in it and I've already told them most of it myself, they just don't have anything other than my word to go off of." Tommy responded.

"Okay then I'll write those and I'll get them to you when I finish okay?"
I said as I began walking towards the door.

"Wait Niki!" Tommy blurted out. I turned to him.


"Can you teach me- how to take care of kids? I'm not sure how much you know on it exactly but I know you helped Fundy with a lot when he was younger and I don't wanna wander off to go find Puffy since I don't know how long it will take me to find her and I don't want to leave Eden here for a long time-"

I laughed, cutting him off.
"Yeah Tommy, I'll teach you how to take care of kids."

[Eden POV]

I sat in my room re-reading the story of L'manburg, I know Tommy told me it got blown up and it's isn't there anymore but I still like reading about it.

I looked up from my book as I heard my door open.

"Hey kid, I'm gonna go help Sam Nook with some tasks okay? I promise I won't be to long okay?" Tommy said with his head through the door.

"Oh okay!" I responded sitting up from my place and closing my book.

I walks twords the door as Tommy knelt down to hug me before he left, I hugged him back before he got up and left. I watched him leave through the window in my door and waved to him one more time before he was gone.

I walked back towards the books on my shelves, and I realized in 2 weeks I had read all of them multiple times. So I looked over to the jukebox in my room, Tommy had played a disk on it for me once. I think it was called mellohi. Tommy said that disk was special though and he kept it in his enderchest.

I walked back towards the door of my room and cracked it open. Making sure no one would see me.

"No one can know about you unless I bring them to you okay? There are some fuckin' wrongins on this server and I don't want you getting hurt alright?"

I remember Tommy saying that to me once.

Once I deemed the coast clear I walked out of my room slowly closing the door behind me.

I walked into Tommy's chest room and opened a few of the chests, looking for a book I hadn't read or a new music disk. I didn't find anything at first until I accidentally nudged a chest to the side, revealing a barrel under the floor. I moved the chest fully and opened the barrel. There wasn't much inside besides a smaller box with a label on the front.

By Wilbur Soot

'Isn't that Tommy's older brothers name? The one who started L'manburg?' I thought opening the box.

There were 10 disks inside the box, 3 had their own separate labels while the other 7 all where tied together with 1 label.

'Your City Gave Me Asthma'

[Tommy POV]
"Bye Sam!" I yelled as I left the build site.

"BYE TOMMYINNIT.." Sam Nook replied as I headed down the prime path.

I normally took my time on the prime path but I was walking a little quicker than usual today. Sam's tasks had taken a little longer than expected along with whatever the fuck those red vines are being quite literally everywhere.

I know I can't keep Eden in my house forever but I don't know where else I could put them where they'd be safe. The only people who knew of them currently we're Niki, Sam, & Puffy.

Sam & Puffy are too involved with that fucking egg for me to be okay with Eden staying with them and I think Niki is okay but since the nuke launch she's been a little weird.

'Should I tell Tubbo?'

Before I could finish my thought I was home. I put most of my stuff away in my chests and headed to Eden's room. Knocking on the door before opening it.

"Eden? I'm home."

I opened the door fully to see them with headphones connected to the jukebox and an open box next to them on the floor.

They looked up at me and smiled, taking off the headphones and coming over to hug me. I knelt down and gave them a quick hug before standing up again.

"What's this?" I asked pointing at the box and headphones.

"Oh, I found them." They said walking back over to the jukebox. "I know you told me not to let people see me so I was really careful and I found this in your chest room!"
They were obviously very happy about their discovery so I sat down next to them.

"Can I hear it?" I motioned towards the headphones. They nodded in response, handing me the headset and immediately a familiar voice played in my ears.

'The roads are my home as horizon's my target
If I keep on moving, never loose sight of it
Treating my memory of you like a fire, let it
Burn out, don't fight it and try to move on'

'It's been sixty weeks since I saw Vienna
A bandage and a wide smile slapped across my face
I'll pick up my hiking boots when I am ready
And I'll put down my roots when I'm dead'

I don't realize the tears streaming down my face until Eden hugged me and wiped them away. I took off the headphones and embraced the small child in front of me. We stayed like that for a while.

It was nice.

I wiped the remaining tears from my face and pulled myself together, before letting go of Eden in the process.

"Hey Eden, you wanna see a part of the smp today?" I asked, lightening the mood.

"Really?!" Their excitement skyrocketing.

"Yeah, it'll be dark soon so no one will see you."

They hugged me again before getting all the books off their floor and putting the recordings of Wilbur's music back into the box.

I laughed getting up from the floor and going towards the door.

"I'll come get you when it's time to go."


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