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chapter nine

A warm hand creeped up her back, fingertips running up and down her spine. The small but genuine gesture made her smile before she even opened her eyes, the action making her think that Corbyn woke up just seconds ago.

Nova's head was resting against the nape of his neck, nose brushing the skin lightly. She released a content sigh before she opened her eyes, narrowing them because of the sudden brightness of the sun. The brunette remembered how both of them were too caught up in their talk about last night, and after a good few minutes of kissing while cuddling, they must've forgotten to close the curtains.

"Mhm," He mumbled when her lips lightly brushed his neck before a kiss was pressed onto the heated skin, "Good morning, love."

She felt how Corbyn's hand was now calmly resting onto her hip, thumb stroking the bare skin ever so slightly. Pulling back slightly to look at him, she noticed he just rubbed his eyes with his free hand. "Mornin', sunshine."

She chuckled as Corbyn yawned, shaking his head in the hopes to get rid of the sleepy state he was in. He looked up at her and sent her a sleepy grin, closing his eyes again before he wrapped his arms around her shoulders, pulling her back in for a cozy morning cuddle.

Nova thought back at the last time she had slept in his bed, which was the day she was going to tell Noah she wanted her space. It was early when she left Corbyn and instant guilt hit her when she went back to the room to check on him before she left. He was sprawled out in the bed, covers resting onto his hips and clutching onto the pillow she had been sleeping on just an hour before that.

The sight made her heart drop, knowing that he'd wake up in an empty bed would leave him confused and worried. Waking him up just to tell him she'd leave soon wasn't an option; Corbyn didn't like being woken up if there wasn't anything special occurring on the day, and so she just left him to sleep.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked her, causing her to look up at him from where her head was resting on his bicep. Corbyn still had his eyes closed, and it made her smile at the fact that he knew her so well. If Nova was silent, her head was filled with thoughts, emotions and scenarios and Corbyn was always curious to know where her head was at.

She smiled softly, "The previous time I slept in this bed, I still had a boyfriend," She stated, letting a light sigh slip from her lips, "I'm sorry- I know you probably don't want to talk about the guy that beat you up because of me."

Corbyn rolled his eyes at her statement, shaking his head almost immediately afterwards. His hand reached out to brush a piece of hair behind her ear, "I'd let him beat my ass any day if that means you will take care of me."

This time, it was Nova's turn to roll her eyes, "Look at you being a flirtatious mess," She told him with a small grin, one of her hands cupping his cheeks to push them together. It caused Corbyn's lips to pucker up, and Nova took it as an opportunity to place a quick peck onto them. Her action made him smile and pull her back in for another quick kiss.

Nova smiled at him before taking a deep breath, "So uhm- I actually have to tell you something though, it's nothing bad- don't worry- but it's something I think is good to know."

Corbyn furrowed his eyebrows slightly as he watched her sit up straight, the covers falling down onto her lap. "Have you murdered someone?"

"What- no what the fuck, of course not you weirdo," She snorted quickly, her hands flying up to cover her mouth after the weird noise escaped her mouth, "No I- what I meant to say was that I didn't tell anyone about us- about our kiss."

Corbyn listened to her words before letting out a relieved sigh, "You got me thinkin' about the weirdest things Vie," He chuckled, "And you not telling anyone isn't something bad? I haven't either, just because I didn't know how you'd feel because of the break up."

His words made her heart flutter and her smile grow slightly, "So, it's our little secret then huh?"

Corbyn nodded his head at the brunette, sending her a toothy grin, "I'd like that."

After grabbing some of her necessities at home, Nova went back to Corbyn's place. She unlocked the front door with the spare key she found underneath the mat, muttering to herself that he needed to hide it in a less predictable spot.

After closing the door behind her, she noticed the ground floor was entirely silent and it caused her to furrow her eyebrows. When she heard a yell followed by a loud groan, Nova chuckled to herself because she knew exactly what Corbyn was doing.

Her thoughts were confirmed when she saw Corbyn chilling on his bed with his headset on, game console tightly clutched in his hands. She walked up the last few steps of stairs when he yelled again, releasing the controller from his grip. Desperation hit him when he died once again in a round of Call Of Duty, but when he saw Nova leaning against the doorframe he quickly forgot about his defeat.

"I brought you lunch," She told him when his gaze locked with hers and when she was sure his attention was on her, "Everything going okay?"

Corbyn smiled at her before waving her over, sitting up straight on the bed. Nova unzipped her platform boots before heading over towards the bed, placing the plastic cups filled with juice and the paper bag with their sandwiches onto the night stand.

Corbyn raised the controller above his head, making some room for Nova to crawl into his embrace. Her back was resting against his chest as she sat in between his legs, his arms wrapped around hers while he held the controller in his hands.

"Yeah, I'm still here," He spoke up, communicating with someone through his head set before pressing a loving kiss against her temple, "My girl just brought me lunch, a woman of my dreams."

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