Annie's and Bertholt's talk

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Annie slowly opened her eyes and noticed she wasn't in her apartman, just then nurse walk into her room

"Oh you're awake, that's good" nurse had ginger hair and brown eyes "where am I? What happened? Who are you?" She questioned "oh how rude from me, I'm Petra Ral, and you're in hospital you're friends brought you here yesterday seems you were poisoned in club...we weren't sure if you're going to survive, even Dr Yelena wasn't sure if you're going to survive or not since poison was strong enough to kill you" Petra said and Annie was little confused

'why would someone poison me?' she asked herself in thoughts "Miss Ral" Annie said, Petra stared at her "yes?" "Who's Dr. Yelena" she asked "oh well I don't actually know everything about her since I'm still new here but I heard she's professional doctor here" she said and Annie nodded "I understand" "I'm going to call her" she said and left Annie's room

After some minutes Annie sow blond woman with dark eyes "good afternoon Ms Leonhart, I'm Yelena" Yelena stretched out hand and Annie accept, they shook hands and Yelena asked "how do you feel right now" Annie thought for moment "good I guess and little confused at time" she answered truly, Yelena nodded "I understand, do you want to see your friends" Annie nodded and Yelena gave her smile and left

After few minutes you could heard loud bang from door and girl running toward Annie with tears in her eyes

"ANNIE!" Ymir yelled and hugged her, her hug was so strong and Annie almost couldn't breath "Ymir I can't breath" Annie whisper and tried to escape from her grip.

When Ymir realized what she said she pulled away "oops sorry" she said and Annie punched her arm "ouch I see you got your strength back" she said while holding spot where she punched her "we're all happy you're alive" Jean said as he come closer to her "I'm glad I see you too, but where is Bertholt" she asked looking at door "he's not coming" Jean simply stated "why?" Ymir sighed "he left to see some old man which poisned you, well technically it was him who put that thing into your drink" Annie was looking at them "wait. What? Why would Bertholt poison me?" Ymir glanced at Jean asking if they should tell her the truth or not, Jean nodded and they both looked at her "you may not believe us but Bertholt became obsessed with you" Annie lied down and put her hand on her head "is that hard for him to accept that I'm in love in another man and he's more like my brother" she muttered, Ymir didn't said anything "well he wants to be more then brother" Jean said calmly, Annie was about to say something when Yelena entered in room "may I talk to you two" she asked and Ymir and Jean nodded

"YOU SAID IT WOULD MAKE HER FALL IN LOVE NOT SAND HER TO DEATH" Bertholt yelled at old man, "well I did told you to be more careful not to sip much of potion in her drink" man said calmly, Bertholt slammed his fist on his coffee table "I DIDN'T PURE LOT JUST TWO DROPS!" man glared at him "well let this be a lesson to you" man stood up and said with soft voice "you should accept things as they are, you would do anything just to make her love you right? Well you should never trust strangers and you should pure just one drop oh well if she dies it wouldn't be my fault since you're to easy to trick" Bertholt's blood was boiling "I'm going to report you to police if you don't fix this" man just chuckle "stupid kid, it's already late..she's dead" he said with creepy voice "and about police they won't even find out you know why?" Bertholt didn't said anything "because I'm wizard and I can teleport in other country, it would only make police think you're mad and blame you for killing you're lover, oh no not lover you're suppose to be lover" Bertholt was furious so he left cottage and went into hospital 

After talking with Yelena, Ymir and Jean said goodbye to Annie left

So Annie was only left with her thoughts 'when my heart stopped beating, my mind was only little consciousness  then I felt teeth on my neck....but who bite me?' she thought when door wide opened. She turn to see who is it and was surprised when she saw Bertholt panting

'I guess he ran all way to hospital' she thought to her self and when she wasn't expecting he hugged her like never before

"Thanks god you survive..." There was silence, Annie hugged him back but it wasn't usual hug she would give him, it weak and hesitating 

"Annie are you okey?" He asked when they broke hug "yeah" she answered not being honest

Bertholt sat on nearest chair "I want to apologize for my actions" he said with soft voice "why did you do it?" She asked him with sad, angry, cold and still confused voice

Bertholt looked on the ground "to be honest I just didn't want you to be with another man who isn't me...and I guess I was angry and jealous Armin got your attention and not me....I was so jealous that I became obsessed to make you fall in love with me just to make me happy...I didn't care about your feelings but only about my self which is very selfish from me" he looked at her this time and sow she was looking through window "I didn't want to accept reality and I'm very sorry for that" Bertholt felt ashamed about himself

Then Annie finally looked at him "what you did it was really wrong and you're right it was really selfish from do know I could die" Bertholt was about to burs into tears "I didn't know it would kill you...that man didn't said it would poisons you or kill you, I swear to god I didn't want anything bad to happen to you" Bertholt grabbed her hand and start crying "I'm so sorry Annie please forgive me" he whisper looking on the ground "stop crying already" she said but he didn't stop "Bertholt" she said but he just continued to cry

"Bertholt!" She rised her voice and he finally looked at her "I forgive you but that doesn't mean I'll forget" shs said in soft voice and Bertholt give her smile "thank you" he whisper

"So can we be friends again" he asked and she nodded "thank you" then he looked at time and sow it's almost evening "I better go now I have exams tomorrow" Annie nodded "see you tomorrow" he said and left

Published: 06.02.2021

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