Layla and Anthony

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When Eren returned back to hell, he met with Carla

"How is she?" She asked worried for her daughter-in-law

"Not so good, childbirth took a lot of her energy, I'm afraid if I don't do something about this she's going to die" he said as he looked at Mikasa in his arms

He turned his attention to Armin who was holding twins in his arms.

"Put twins in crib next to our bed, I have business to do with Mikasa"

And then disappeared before Carla or Armin had something to say

Eren arrived in laboratory where he found Hange working on some experiments. Aside her being doctor she's also scientist but she gets crazy sometimes.

"Oh Eren! Nice to see you here, what's brings you in my lab" she asked him without looking in his direction

"I need you to turn Mikasa into demon" Hange slowly looked at him "are you joking with me right now?" She asked not believing her ears

"Why would I joke about that?" Hange fixed her glasses which fell on her nose

"It's not simple as you think, it has risks and consequences, if you try and turn human into demon he or she won't be able to turn back, she won't be able to drink water because it'll burn her neither she would be able to go in haven or on earth-" she was cut off

"Yeah yeah I know what consequences are, now will you help me?" Hange sighed and smiled "you're so stubborn, just like your father and grandfather" she said and told him to put Mikasa on the couch not far away from her.

He did what she asked him to do, Eren sat next to Mikasa. He took her hand and kissed her knuckles.

"You seems to love her very much, it's a shame I couldn't have that when I was alive...." She chuckled "I wonder how's that shorty doing"

Eren's attention snapped on nickname "did you say shorty?" Hange nodded "yeah, we were how do you say 'a lovers', he was short but strong...I fell in love with him in hight school, he was every girl's dream man....we had few dates here and there...but that all ended in one day" red smoke flew from her hask.

"One day while I was on work, woman came to me, asking to stop hanging out with him or I won't end up very good and I didn't listen to her. I continued to hang out with him and then that same night that woman killed me. As she was killing me I swore I'll take revenge on her for taking my life away..."

"Can I know name of that man"

"His name was Levi Ackerman" she answered him and sipped liquid in test tube. She took needle from her drawer and inserted that liquid inside

"I met him" Hange looked at Eren "how?" She asked

"He's Mikasa's cousin, and true to tell you he's still short. He wanted to get rid of my kids" she was listening as she inserted liquid inside Mikasa's arm.

"Looks like he never changes, I would really like to visit him but I'm busy" Eren picked Mikasa bride style "why don't you take a short break, it's not like you're forbidden from visiting human world" Hange shrugged "not that I had will going on earth at all. Well now that you mentioned I might took small break and take my revenge on that bitch who killed me"

"Do as you like" and with that he disappeared in flash

Hange looked at picture of Levi

"See you tomorrow shorty" she said to picture

Sasha was cleaning when she heard baby crying, she walked towards direction where crying was coming from.

Cry leaded her to Mikasa's and Eren's bedroom

'should I enter? I don't think I have permission to enter in their private room...' she thought 'but then again I can't let that poor thing cry' and with that thought she entered inside Mikasa's and Eren's bedroom

She saw baby dressed in blue cloths crying, she picked him up and cradle him trying to stop him from crying

"Sasha who gave you permission to enter here" she froze in spot, she knew that voice

She gulped and turned to look at demon king who had angry look on his face.

"Y-your majesty h-hi! I really didn't want to sneaking around in yours private chamber b-but b-baby started crying a-and I-I just wanted to help" she said trying not to anger him even more then she already did by entering in his and queen's room without permission

"Fine I'll let this slide this time, but next time ask for permission first before you enter in here. Understand?" She nodded "good now leave" she put baby back and without questen went back to work

Eren sighed and put Mikasa on bed, he noticed black marks started showing up which meant one thing, transformation started.

However cry from his son still didn't stopped, waking his twin sister up but instead of crying she made pacifier appered and her twin brother quickly fell a sleep once again. She moved closer to her twin and closed her eyes again.

Eren just blinked in confusion of what just happened.

In the kitchen Sasha found Connie cooking the dinner she then said

"Hey Connie did you know his majesty and Mikasa already have a babies" Connie stopped for second "wait does that mean Mikasa already give birth?" Sasha rolled her eyes "of course it does you idiot! Mikasa was already pregnant when she ran away, and it already has been nine months! And they have twins" Connie's jaw dropped "t-twins!" Sasha nodded "yes! Just imagine how they will look like when they grow up! I bet boy will be just like Eren"

"Or maybe his brother or sister, are they identical or not" he asked "no they don't look anything a like, both have different color of hair and other twin is a girl"

"Oh well that's cool...just thinking about babysitting them is sending me shivers down my spine" Sasha stuck out her tongue at him "you'll be the most boring uncle they're going to have" she said and Connie start arguing about how he's going to be the coolest uncle they have ever seen

Mikasa slowly opened her eyes, she scanned the room and realized she's at her and Eren's bedroom. When she stood up she noticed black marks all over her body. She quickly looked at mirror and screamed in terror

She had gold horns on her head, her wings were black along with her tail. Her eyes weren't gray anymore but orange mixed with gold yellow.

She fell on her knees and started crying

"Oh come on don't cry it's not that bad" Mikasa looked behind her, she felt her body boiled with anger

"You took only thing that was keeping me sane! You took my humanity away from me!!" She yelled at him, unable to hold her anger any longer inside her

" could you!!" Mikasa walked towards him and grabbed him by collar "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME!!! WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU!! ANSWER ME!?!!!"

Eren didn't answer her "would you mind keeping your voice down, you're going to wake up Layla and Anthony" her head snapped towards crib, she let him go and walked towards her kids. She picked them up and started crying out of happiness

Just then Anthony woke up, he put his small hands on his mother's cheeks. Mikasa kissed both of her children.

Outside infront bedroom door, there were servants looking at cute family moments, they let small 'awww' until Eren opened the door, they fell on the floor

"You will never learn" they gave their king nervous laugh

"So when can we celebrate?" Connie asked with nervous smile on his face

Layla Amaris Jaeger born at june 12th, 4:00 p.m o'clock afternoon

Anthony Hanry Jaeger born at june 12th, at 4:05 p.m o'clock  afternoon  

(A/N hey guys I'm sorry I'm late with this update, I was busy all week and I couldn't find free time to write this chapter any soon, I couldn't find any inspiration today so I was struggling with this chapter. I hope next chapter will be better because I don't like how I wrote this. So hopefully you won't be disappointed next time. That's all I wish you good day)

Published: 25.07.2021

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