Part Two: Work

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Freddy's movements were stiff as we walked past a few human employees. Waiters, security that didn't watch cameras, a few chefs walked through the doors, and the Manager. I noticed he had a nametag that read 'MANAGER' on it. And if I looked closely, the inside of his shirt collar read 'SCOTT'. Oh, bless his Mother for that.

Soon, children and families crowded in. Parents sat at tables and talked. Getting bothered by their children for quarters for the games, or waiting impaiently for the band to play. "Sissy, Sissy, Look look! There's a new one!" A little girl said, pulling at the shirt of a teenaged girl. They stood infront of me. The girl was around ten years old, with black hair in a pair of braids on her shoulders. Green eyes glowing with childish light. The teenager was around fourteen. With her black hair dyed a dark red. I could tell because her roots were growing back. Her blue eyes were happy at the antics of her sister.

I bent down alittle to look at the girl. "H-Hello. I'm Ren!" I said happily. "I'm Sarah! This is my sister, Anne!" The little girl said happily. I smiled at her. "I-It's a pleasure to meet you, Sarah" I said. Anne pat Sarah's head. "Let's go see Foxy" She said. Sarah pouted, turned to me and smiled. "Bye bye, Ren" she said, before leaving with her sister towards Pirate Cove. I stood up straight. Many children came up and played around my feet, or ask me questions. Others followed me around as I followed my programming to help Freddy and Chica manage the hyper children in the arcade and Cove.

I wandered into the Prize Corner and saw Balloon Boy. The corner was empty right now. I walked up to BB and his head clicked to look up at me. "Hi" He said. "Hi" I replied shortly. I walked over and sat down in a seat. Yet I sat up straight. Children flocked in with arcade tickets. A few curious ones, who had gotten thier prizes of candy or the ocassional stuffed animal, wandered over and struck up a short conversation of introductions.

In some way, I had imprinted on a good number of children. When I wandered around to help a few kids who were lost get back to guardians or siblings, a total of seven kids followed behind me like I was a mother duck. If I wandered off and lost one of them, they cried until Freddy or Chica had somehow helped them back to me. I saw Dave a few times when he went to go buy a pizza or soda during lunch. He clicked a picture with his phone when I wasn't looking of the kids following me like a parade. Weirdo probaly wanted blackmail.

I walked into the Cove and saw some kids playing pirate on the fake pirate ship and pirate themed play toys. Vixen was on a stage in one side of the room. It looked like half a oval sticking out of the wall, with dark pink curtains open around it. Foxy was on another side of the room on a matching stage. Yet the curtains for him were purple.

Kids stood behind a line of blue tape to watch Foxy sing a song about pirates and his crew. Vixen was the one I pitied. Kids were moving his parts around, or putting random pirate accessories on him. Like a hat or a scarf. There was a scarf stuffed inside his stomach cavity and caught in the parts. I felt bad for him. A younger girl, whose name was Mary, held tightly onto the edge of my tail. She was around eleven years old. Almost reaching the age where being here was considered childish.

Soon, closing time was upon us. Lights turned off, people left, doors locked, and ten o'clock rolled around. I was still standing in Pirate cove when Foxy jumpped off his stage and snapped. Looking more alive now. Mangle did the same thing as he put Derek back on his shoulder. He took all the accessories off him and fixed his parts to their proper places. I snapped and blinked a few times.

"Aye, Lass. You had alot of kids behind you today" Foxy said. I rubbed the back of my head. "It was alittle chaotic. I couldn't leave one alone or else they'd cry" I explained. Vixen, Foxy, and I all started walking towards the stage. Where everyone was gathering to wait for the guards to arrive. "That sounds like a hassle" Vixen said. "It was. But the kids were sweethearts, so I didn't mind" I said. I saw Bonnie and Dave in the hallway and I waved towards them. We waited for them to reach us before we continued onward.

Dave smirked at me. "Had alittle duck line behind you today" He said, smiling. Bonnie's robotic chuckle echoed in the hallway. I crossed my arms. "Well. It's better than lazing about all day, like you did today- Dave." I said to him. He shrugged. "I make a good honest living in repairing all of you. So I deserve to laze about sometimes. Plus I talk with Bonnie all the time. So he lazes about too!" Dave defended. I rolled my eyes and chuckled.

We all walked into the stage room and saw BonBon sitting on the side of the elevated area. Legs dangling over the edge. Chica was playing with Duckie's drums and banging on them like they were pots and pans. Fredrick was talking with Duckie while Freddy idly chatted with Balloon boy over the noise Chica was making.

"Sup guys?" I greeted. Chica stopped her pounding and smiled at me. "Hello again, Ren!" She greeted, putting the drumsticks down and getting off the stage. She came over and hugged me. She let go and dragged me over to a table where we started a conversation. "Those kids who were following you were so cute!" She said happily. I nodded. "They were. Real Sweethearts. Especially the little girl. Mary, I think. She kept hanging onto my tail, and was just adorable" I said, smiling.

"Wow. It seems to me that you really like kids" BonBon said, walking over with a superior look on his features. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah. We're animatronics meant to entertain children. If I didn't like them, I wouldn't be as friendly as I am towards them. Plus kids are cute. Sure they can be a handful, but they're sweet" I said causally. "If I could be mistaken- it seems to me you are a child yourself" BonBon said. Chica looked nervous, "I'm going to go talk to Duckie" She said, before scrambling off towards her double.

BonBon was standing over me with his hands on his hips. I was shorter because I was sitting in one of the chairs. "Maybe I am in mindset. But I definitly am not a child. Far from it, obviously." I stated, standing up and looking him straight in the neon green orbs that were his eyes.

There was the sound of a group of people shouting a new greeting. Freddy ran off with Foxy and Dave to greet them. BonBon and I kept staring eachother down. I was a master and the staredowns when I was alive. My weird eyes helped tons, plus I was very threatening in attire aswell. Dress like a badass, act like a badass, but have a huge heart under it all.

Fredrick chuckled lightly. But it sounded nervous so me. "Now why don't y'all just sit 'N relax a bit? We've been working all day. We deserve it" He said, putting his paws on each of our shoulders. BonBon was the first to walk away with a huff. He went to go talk to Balloon Boy.

Dave walked back in with the Freddy and Foxy. He smiled at us and waved Bonnie over. "I'm going to go work on Bonnie. Have a good game, guys" He announced. Bonnie followed him to the service room. "Then the Service room is out of bounds today, crew" Foxy announced. "Let's set up then. Places!" Freddy said. "I'll go help Dave with Bonnie" I stated. Walking off towards the Service Room. I knocked on the door and entered. Dave locked it behind us. "Just incase" He said, then sat at the desk and started to work on a sketch.

I looked over his shoulder. "No. His face is this tall, and this wide. You'd make that wire too short if you did that" I said, taking the pencil and fixing his calculations. "How did you-" Dave started. "I did the calucations yesterday. It's easy with the parts exposed, plus when I was alive- I had this weird ability to match calutations and figure out how things worked in a snap. It was easy" I said, then mimicked a yawn.

"I'm going to reboot. See you later" I said, sitting next to Bonnie and smiling at him as I felt the system start to shut things down. "Goodnight, Bonnie" I said, shutting my eyes. "G-G-Goodnight R-Ren" Bonne answered, before the power went into sleep mode, and I was out like a light.

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