Wayne Eisner

618 22 17

3rd person P.O.V
"I'm already out!"a guy yelled shaking his small bag only to find crumbs."Hey!anyone got some coderoin with em?!"the guy yelled "you need to slow down with that stuff man" another guy across the bar said

"Shut it!I don't need your lectures!" The guy yelled "give you a good deal,mister.heheh" a guy across the table

"Stop messin around when that all you got,hurry and hand it over!" The guy said snatching the bag "ah!" The guy with the bag said

"Hey!You have any idea how much it cost me to get that?!"the guy yelled "aw,I know you stole it anyway." The other guy yelled back "either way,give it back!"the guy yelled

"Don't be such a tightwad"the other guy yelled "hey"some other guy yelled,to see y/n and Annie walk  into the building,as they both walk to the bar Annie places the drawing of the girl

"I think this girl has come her before"Annie said "do you know her?" Y/n asked "doesn't ring a bell" the barkeeper replied. "What about you? Know her?" Annie said showing the paper to the guy on her side

"Why would I?here's my money barkeep"the guy said "thanks" the barkeeper replied "if that all you're her for,could you please leave?" The barkeeper said, Annie took out a bag and took out a coin and place the coin on the table

Y/n sighed then took out a coin from her pocket and place it in the table"That's not going to do anything,I only know what I know" the barkeeper said "we're just thirsty" y/n said

"One limeade,please"Annie said "I'll have what ever there is" y/n said, the got there drinks and they drink them "hah,this is a bad bar ya know!why don't ya order a real drink missy?" The guy with the black shirt said

"Or what?!cant cause you're still a little baby drinkin from daddy's teat?"the guy said "gaahahaha!" The other two laugh "I'm so scared Daddy make it all better!" The guy said

Y/n and Annie got up and walked towards him "what about you three,do you know her?" Annie said placing the paper on the table "her name is Carly stratman"y/n said,they all looked shocked "from your faces,I'd say you do" y/n said

"We don't know her.so run back to suck your daddys bosom little Mp.or else..." the guy said,"you might find yourself suckin ours inst-"the guy said reaching out to grab Annie's ass

But Annie was faster and grabbed his hand and squeezed it "damn it,you little...let go" the guy said swinging at Annie,but Annie caught it and kicked him and yanked him and threw him against the wall

The two other guy had a bottle in their hands "now ya've done it!!" The other guy yelled,but both of them got kicked by y/n and they pushed back all the way to a wall "owwwww" "I'm dying,I'm dying" they yelled

The same guy Annie threw was behind her with a chair in his hands "think your so tough?you.." but was cut off by Annie kicking and break a chair leg and kept her leg up "ah..er..w-wal.." the guy said

Annie then brought down her leg and hitting him in the head,she grabbed him and pinned his arm on his back and pushed him on the table "let go you little!! I'll kill you!! Do you have any idea who you're.." the guy said

"Ugh,shut up" y/n said walking to the guy and pushing his shoulder making him scream in pain "ya little piece of...damn you.y-ya just dislocated my shoulder!!" The guy yelled

"Coderoin.Illegal drugs,three years imprisonment. No,five years minimum" y/n said dropping the bag on the table "you two can run.this man won't tell me a thing about you" Annie said

"You think he's trust worthy,right?"annie said making the guy look at each other in silence
Time skip
"We're here looking for Carly stratmann on her fathers request" Annie said "if you tell us what you know,well forget about everything we saw here today,in other words you all get to go home safe,understand" y/n said

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