Annie leonhart and y/n l/n

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"what a good aroma.What kind of cigarette is that"Annie asked "Good nose.these were produced at wall maria" Elliot said, "Currently it is almost impossible to get one" Elliot said putting the cigarette out "everything that is good, is lost over time" Elliot said, Annie closer her eyes and moved her head down, "you killed Kemper Boltz, right?"  Annie asked

Elliot looked surprised a bit "Stop with the nonsense, what are you basing that on?" Elliot asked "this morning when you were talking to us, your butler brought you a note" Y/n said crossing her arms. "it was Kemper's. am i wrong?" y/n said looking at elliot. "he kept watch on you and saw us enter the mansion. That's why he knew that the Military police had set in motion and had the need to get the money earlier than expected" Annie said

"i will return you daughter to you right now, bring the money to my house. the note said something like that, right?" Annie said "after that you went to Kemper's house, drank and talked to him. but there was some kind of disagreement and you ended up killing him" Annie said.

"its a pretty interesting story"Elliot said opening his cigarette case and took one out and placed it in his mouth. Annie took out a paper from her jacket and placed it on the table. "i found this. on the floor of Kemper's house" Annie said, the paper unfolded a bit to show a used cigarette. "only you smoke it,right? if the Military Police initiate an investigation. the results will be evident." Y/n said

Elliot lit up a match and lit up his cigarette with it, he inhaled some of it and blew out the smoke "it was an accident that asshole didn't want to return my daughter.he was just trying to extort my money" Elliot said " we don't care out that" Annie said "first of all. could you stop smoking?" Annie said looking at Elliot

"you have no right to ask. this is my house." Elliot said, y/n got up from her seat "we had to suffer the smell of cigarettes and alcohol since this morning" Annie said getting up, Elliot closed his eyes while he smoked again, but y/n took it out of his hand and placed it over his alcohol "we are sick of that" y/n said dropping the cigarette

Elliot looked at them "why are guys so upset?"Elliot asked "were not upset. were just tired" Annie said "we want to finished this. that all." Y/n said, "i see.i will accompany you to the police station"Elliot said getting up, Annie and y/n looked towards Elliot. "we will not go to the police station" Annie said

Elliot, y/n and Annie went to the industrial ward, they threw out Kemper's body "why are you trying to help me?" Elliot asked "don't misunderstand. this is for my own good.what must be done" Annie said. "must be done. no matter what happens" Y/n said, they were now in the carriage ,Annie and y/n inside, Elliot outside driving it. "if you guys ever fee like it, come to mt house. ill give you something delicious" Elliot said

"thank you but ill probably leave the city." Annie said "Are they going to transfer you?" Elliot asked, Annie looked at y/n, y/n nods. "I'm going back to my homeland" Annie said. Elliot dropped off Annie and y/n at the Military police quarters.

Annie was writing something down as y/n watched "report to the superior. i was able to determine that 3 days ago, Carly stratmann and her partner Kemper Boltz, were heading to the capital. they both had permission to pass the wall, it is possible that they brought it illegally' Annie wrote down. she placed the feather down in the ink. y/n blew out the candles

they walked towards their room, Annie walked to her and on the desk was a note 'you're not looking for the man's daughter, are you?well, no the way, don't you think it better to have this if you go see a boy?or when you meet a girl?' the letter said, Annie looked down to see a a flower side comb 'the pallor of your skin is monstrous, you should wear it' the letter also said

Annie looked back to see hitch in her bed, there was a small knock on the side of the door, to show y/n with a sweater and short "I'm going to bed but i wanted to tell you something" y/n said walking towards Annie with her arms crossed. "what?" Annie asked, y/n signed something in sign language. "what does that mean" Annie asked

y/n smiled a bit "you'll just have to figure it out" y/n said, y/n gave a quick kiss to Annie's cheek "goodnight" y/n said practically running out the room, Annie blushed a bit and placed a hand on her cheek. Annie was in the shower rooms and she took out her hair tie.

she was having flash backs from the time her dad was asking her a favor. her was hugging her and Annie looking upwards"so promise me. promise that you'll return" the dad said but Annie didn't reply. Annie opened her eyes as the shower runs all over her body and hair,

'today's mission: infiltrate the 57th expedition of the scout legion. and kidnap Eren jaeger with y/n's help!' Annie thought,
(Later in the 57th expedition)
Annie was running in her titan form out in the open outside the walls, on the top on her right shoulder was y/n.....

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