Where's carly

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"Because I'm looking for Carly?" Annie asked,"I'm pretty sure someone will find her,whether you tied me in a vat or not" Annie said, "you should not lie. Stratmann told me."Wald said lighting a cigarette

"He said you're working alone" Wald said 'clearly this fool is stupid because I'm working with her' y/n thought looking at Wald, "...when I met him. Sure. But now, I've already reported the situation. If I stop giving them regular updates, the military police brigade will move out" Wald said

"You were in there a while.you must have found it, right? Wayne's corpse" Wald said. "But it wasn't the military police brigade's quarters you were trying to head to...could there be a reason you can't report them?" Wad said

"Liar liar!" Lou yelled "Lou.put the drinks away.we're working" Wald said, lou tched "I'm only saying this to defend my name. But it wasn't us who killed Wayne." Wald said

"Then,who couldn't it have been in that case" y/n said looking at Wald, "he was acting a bit out of control. I could understand why a lot of people would want him to end like that" Wald said

'I guess it's about time..' Annie thought "so, did you find Carly?" Annie asked looking out the window,"that isn't something you need to know." Wald said "you found her,didn't you?" Y/n said

Wald then widen glared at y/n "why were you looking for Carly?" Annie asked, "you don't need to know." Wald said "what's your relationship with stratmann?" Y/m asked "Ay!coulda shut it?!" Low yelled, "what kind of work do you do!" Y/n asked

"Does it have to do with coderoin?" Annie asked, Wald put on his hat "I'm telling you that you don't need to know." Wald said glaring at them. "...all right. Then I have one request before I take a dip in that waste fluid" Annie said

"That ring your oh-so civilized friend took from me...is something my father gave to me before I left my hometown. Could I have it back?" Annie asked "I would be able to sink in peace if I could at least have it with me" Annie said

"Well yet outta luck!you stay quiet." Lou yelled "Lou.hand it over." Wald said "no way,wald! Yea can't do that!" Lou yelled "do as I say." Wald said "tsk!" Lou said almost handing Annie the ring "no." Wald said grabbing everyone attention

"Give it to me" wald said reaching his hand out, Lou gave him the ring and walks looked at it, he see the blade "huh??wuzzat?!" Lou yelled "a blade?!" Lou said "heh,heh,heh, we're you really think of trying to stop us with something like this?" Lou said

"No,it couldn't be..you don't seem that stupid" Wald said, "could there be poison on it?" Wald said "why don't you find out yourself?" Annie said

Wald grabbed Annie's hand and pulled towrds him "alright then I will" Wald said getting the blade close to Annie hand "before you do,tell me where Carly is" Annie said

"I won't be able to ask you again if you two are dead" Annie said "heheh this girls lost it Wald!" Lou yelled, Wald had the blade on Annie hands "you you see me as that stupid?" Wald said,y/n smirked "yeah.." Annie said

Annie then pushed her hands forward fast making the blade cut her "because you are that stupid." Annie said before turning into the female titan

Wald and Lou and y/n were out of the carriage, Annie only turned titan on her arm, Annie pulled her arm out and sees her ring in the Titans hand

She went to go grab it and walked towards Wald "..wh-What the hell did you just do...? It's almost as if ...you're a titan.." Wald said "I cant believe it, it's all ruined. All because of this nonsense with you.." Wald said

Y/n got out of the ropes and was checking her wrist and walked towards Annie
Y/n's eyes widen "Annie!" Y/n yelled running up to her and catching her in her arms, she looked towards where the guns hit was as see's Lou, Lou then shot y/n

Dropping Annie and then dropping on the floor herself. Lou walked toward the body's "ya piece of shit!!" Lou yelled kicking Annie's body "ya sneak a bomb in there or something?!" Lou yelled

"Oop. I'll be taking back this nice li'l ring hehehe" Lou said talking Annie's ring "and this one too" Lou said walking to y/n ring and grabbing it "Lou..she got my legs. Give me your shoulder" Wald said

"That right? Well then..I'll take care of it from here. You can take a nice long..civilized rest" Lou said pointing the gun at Wald "..Lou...so it was you?" Wald said

Lou reloads his gun "dunno." Lou said  honestly..what could have driven me to save some one as uncivilized as y-"Wald was cut of my Lou shooting him on the side of the stomach

Yer past, yer prime,Wald." Lou said walking away "time to call it quits" Lou said "hey Lou?what are you thinking?! Stop..!!" A voice yelled
As Wald was still there bleeding out Annie got up slowly, so did y/n but she stayed sitting on the ground and watched Annie walk towards Wald, Wald look at y/n, making y/n smirk and looked towards Annie

Wald then looked towards Annie and there was Annie staring down at him

Where is Carly ?

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