Wald & lou

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As the door open y/n quickly pushed the door close, Annie came running and also pushed on the door, "Huh?!Hey what the hell?!did you just lock the door?! Open up right now!!" The man yelled from behind the door

He started to bang in the door "I said get out here!!you listening to me?!"The man yelled, 'if he get through this door,it's going to be annoying..'Annie thought

'In the worst case, I might have to get rid of him' y/n thought, "Tch,Next time I see you,yer dead!!" The man yelled "Ya piece of shit!"" He yelled, then there was crashing noise with a slam

Y/n and Annie sighed in relief, Annie went back to the body as y/n looked at her before following, Annie was looking through Wayne Eisner pockets, she found his licenses to operate horse carriages for business use

'So it really is him..' Annie thought, 'he must've been talking about when he was killed...so now what do I do?if I leave him here,the eventual stench and maggots...will be enough trouble make that neighbor storm back in here' Annie thought

'The men at the bar know who I am and Annie, and what we look like,once the corpse is found they'll trace it back to us. Well be taken for questioning and who knows how long,it'll be until they let us go.' Y/n thought

'Do we just forget about all of this and go on tomorrow's mission?...No. if my mission fails,I'll have to come back to the military police brigade.And then I'd naturally be blamed for what happened today.In the west case, We might be cut from the brigade...And we wouldn't be able to fulfill our duty' Annie thought

'Well find Carly. If I can say I found her before coming here. There would be no reason for me to have been her in the first place. Then once it all gets cleaned up, I can send in an anonymous reports of Wayne's death' y/n thought

As Annie got up she took out a key, y/m looked at the key'This is the only path' Annie and y/m thought, Annie waked towards the door and
y/n followed, Annie unlocks the door and pecked her head out before waking

Y/n followed and made sure no was following them for the back before looking forward, As
y/n and Annie waked, y/n noticed that Annie looks deep in thought

We arrive at the carriage, and the door was opened, 'odd I thought he would have left,we took longer then Annie said' y/n thought, Someone was in the carriage"hey who are you-"Annie was cut of by someone grabbing y/n and her

The guy in the carriage took out a knife and pointed it at them, "hold on,There.Don't try to move. The plan isn't to kill you here." The guy said "don't make us do anything too uncivilized" the man said

'A Glass eye...' y/n thought '...with a red pupil!!' Annie thought. Annie and y/n were now in the carriage with their hands tied with the two guys, "hee-her! Look it this, Wald! She's got a ring on her" the guy with the gun said

"Bet we could get a good price for this,yeah?" The guys said looking at Annie's ring,"Forget about that,Lou.just keep watch" Wald said "yeah,yeah! I know" Lou said

"Do you have any?" The guy said grabbing y/n hands harshly and saw some shine, y/n glared at the dude, y/n had a ring similar to Annie's ring and she had in facing on the other way

He tried to grab bit but y/n closed her hands catching his hands, he got surprised and quick tried to pull his hand. "Where's the driver?"Annie asked,He gladly let us borrow his coach for a few copper." Wald said

"You got any other valuables on ya?if ya do,better take em out now!" Lou said "you?weren't you just at the bar?"Annie said looking at Lou "hm?" Lou said "pit lidos.you were drinking at the bar" Annie said

"Heh dunno what your talking about" Lou said "yeah.That Stupid looking face of your. I'd recognized it anywhere" Annie said, low grabbed Annie hair making her eyes widen, y/n eyes even widenLou placed his gun on Annie chin

"You'd better learn your place fast,girl..."Lou said "stop it Lou, didn't I just say we're not doing anything to uncivilized?"Wald said, y/n kicked Lou "Gah!" Lou said, he looked towards y/n

"Oops my leg slipped" y/n said sarcastically "still...You..seem to be quite the decorated worker" wake said showing Annie's book, "...thanks." Annie said, "so.where are we heading exactly?" Y/n said "the industrial ward" Wald said

"They have large tubs of waste liquid there you see." Wald said "for a while now lots of things..Have found themselves sinking to the bottom of them" Wald said "And they all melt into sludge" Lou said

"Is that what happened to your brain?!" Annie said "YA LITTLE...!" Lou yelled, Wald chuckled and y/n laughed a little. "...so,I must have upset you." Annie said,"we're not upset. It's just that...you're in our way" Waldo said

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