Talking to Ophelia

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When Ophelia came home an hour later, I asked who the rude boy was, I told her about our run in. "Hahaha" She laughed, tears in her eyes. "What's so funny" I said annoyed. "You screamed and ran, oh my- She had burst out laughing again. I started to see the funny side of it and I started to laugh too. When all that laughter was over, we both had some tea and cake. "Thats my friend Emily's son by the way" Ophelia said. "Oh I've known Emily since we were children,she's like a sister to me"    
"Who is Edwards father" I asked. "Oh,well,he left Emily when Edward was a baby" She explained "poor Edward grew up without a father figure,but hes extremely close with Emily" "Oh yes, I forgot to tell you,we are invited to dinner this evening at seven o'clock, its a formal dinner,me and Emily thought it would be a good idea to dress up as we haven't had the chance to in ages"  "Oh, I don't have a dress" I said. "Why'd you think I gave you that key up to the turrets" said Ophelia smiling. I ran up as fast as I could up to the turrets,unlocked the door and walked in. I was absolutely amazed, it was a light airy room with a balcony. It was full of Victorian dresses,perfume and mirrors everywhere. I sat diwn and one mirror caught my eye.

I then started trying all the dresses on

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I then started trying all the dresses on

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