Chapter 6 ; Nutella and Dates

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We ran into the kitchen, which was almost spotless. It was actually pretty big. The light shown through a window above a giant sink, the curtains slightly tinting it a creame color. The white tiles didn't even have a stain. But now I techically lived here, so it was technically mine. Yush!

"So...." Clementine dragged out her words while she akwardly slid on her socks infront of a stocked stainless-steel fridge. "Breakfast or lunch?"

I actually get a choice of what I eat here, which was the best thing about her house. I said the only thing that sounded good to me.

"Peanut butter and nutela sandwhiches?" I cocked my head like a dog.

Clem's eyes widened to the size of golf balls. "Yes."

(Mini A/N: This, ~~~, means a time lapse)


After scrambling around her kitchen for a few minuets, we each had two peanut butter and nutela sandwhiches. We took them into her living room and turned on Adventure Time. We slowly ate our sandwhiches almost zombie like while staring at the T.V.

Mindlesly shoving food into our mouths, neither of us noticed that Clementine's mom, Julie, walked into the room.

"Hello?" she called to us, attemping to get our attention.

I snapped out of it and dropped a half eaten sandwhich on my plate. I akwardly smiled at her and waved, but I kind of looked like a chip munk with my cheeks stuffed with mush. I elbowed Clemy to get her attention. She half choked on her food and spewed what looked like poop onto her lap. Which made me choke and laugh, and I ended up looking just like her.

Julie started laughing at our stupidity and sat down in a love seat next to the couch we were sitting on.

"So, not that I don't mind, I thought you would go home after the concert instead of coming over here." she said in a chipper voice.

Clementine did a shoosh movement with her hand, attempting to signal to her mom. That didn't work at all.

Her mom's face softened. "Emily sweetheart, what happened?" She sat next to me and squeezed my sholders.

I didn't speak for a few seconds and sighed. "My mom said no to the concert at last minuet, even when I was paying for everything myself. So I tried to sneak out myself, and ended up getting kicked out. I-" I choked, "I'm not even alowed to get my clothes or anything." A tear escaped my eye.

"And now.... I don't have a place to live."

"Sweetie, I'm offended that you don't think of this house as your second home." Julie laughed and hugged me tight.

"Wait...what?" I said in confusion.

"Your welcome to stay as long as you want." She beamed at me.

Clementine squeed  and hugged me. I couldn't help but to smile from the love and affection. I never got hugs or sweet comments like that before.

"Thank you..." I whispered.


We ended our hug session and cleaned up our nutela mess. Sometimes, we were worse than fliping 3 year olds.

We resided in Clementine's room watching silly videos and Bryan Stars interviews of bvb. Our afternoon continued online with youtube, netflix, the likes of that. We were watching a movie called "Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs" when I drifted off to sleep.



Clementines alarm clock rang loudly in my ears. I sprang up but blackness filled my vision. She moaned beside me and slowly sat up. "Calm your tits. Just because you graduated early doesn't mean I don't have school..." She mumbled.

I sighed and got off the bed to turn on the lights. When I flicked them on, I heard a hiss come from behind me. "Really?" I scoffed.

She got ready for school and left for the bus. Eventually, her mom went  to work as well. Which left me home alone. I smelt something aweful and horid. I explored the house, but the smell was everywhere. Then it hit me.

I stink.

I went to their guest bedroom to take a shower. I closed the door behind me and started the shower so it would heat up. As I began to slip off the hoodie I've been wearing for the past two days, a peice of paper fell out of the pocket and hit the floor. I picked it up and looked at it. I gasped.

Andy wrote his number and gave it to me.


I grabbed my phone and immidantly called him. One ring...two rings.... three rings..... "Hello?" said a deep voice.

"Ummm.... hey it's Emily...." I dragged out.

He seemed to perk up instantly. " Oh hey! How are ya?"

"Better than when you met me. Do you mind if I ask why did you give me your number?" I asked.

"Well I was actually wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime.... you know, with the band and stuff?" he trailed of akwardly.

Was the Andy Beirsack getting nervous talking to me? "I would love to! When and where?"

He sighed in relief on the other end. "Tomorrow at 9 in the morning, and it's a suprise. You should probably bring a swimsuit and good walking shoes if that's a clue."

I mentally squeeled. "Would it be okay if I brought a close friend?" I bit my lip.

"I don't see why not. We'll pick you up tomorrow."

"Great, see you then!" Click.

I took a deep breath. Then I starting jumping up and down squeeling holding my phone to my chest. I'm going to go hang out with my favorite band with my best friend tomorrow! Eeeeeeeeeeek!

I was still wondering where we were going tomorrow though. Swim suit means beach, but shoes don't add up with swimming. I shrugged it off and prepaired myself to be ready for anything.

A/N: Okay! Be prepaired for much fluff next chapter! Sorry if this one seems rushed.

Where do you think they'll be going? ;)

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